Saturday, 30 March 2013

Sparrow's Dream: 9


Dream begins...

I was in a very dark barren landscape. I heard an angel say, "Today you are at Golgotha." I looked around; I was in a scene at the foot of the Cross! I was at the Crucifixion and as near as Mary!
It was even worse that the Passion Movie Visually! Jesus had died. It was right after His spirit had left! Everything was in grey screen with only the only color being Jesus' blood! At the cross, everything was frozen in time - an Angel of the Lord came over to me and offered me communion, bread and wine..... Whatttt? Right now??? I was sick and didn't feel like eating or drinking to say the least!! The angel was robed with a hood as is if in mourning - He pushed the elements toward me and without speaking; I knew I was to take them. I partook in the bread. Then I (unfrozen now) saw the Roman Soldier Spear Jesus' side, I was at the foot of the cross right under it! It was horrifying...the visual of it after I had had such great conversations with Him made me so angry, I wanted to scream! I was in tears, wailing. Then, out of Christ's side water and blood poured out over me as the wind blew. Then, I was literally taking part in the wine! I tasted wine on my lips which was HIS blood!! It was Powerful a Vision of the Cross! I was there in real time!
Quickly, I was in a scene at a banquet. It consisted of people from my past and present. Somewhere in chains. The angel, (and it was the same very cool angel that greeted me at the portal everyday) said there is a banquet that has been prepared before your enemies. Immediately I looked and I was resisting. I didn't really like any of these people! Some from years ago, I hadn't remembered for a long time. Then I saw some that were in chains, I asked about them. The angel said these are bound by your unforgiveness and your offense... Whoaaa!! "Okay, I don't want to be here!" "I literally squirmed!' The angel said, "Forgive so that the Father can forgive you!"
I am setting on Jesus' lap and He is speaking to me. My head is lying on His chest. He began speaking in the continuation of my prayer questions. His armed opened the veil to the scene of the Crucifixion, where I just was - (whoa -- Heavenly technology is better than earthly technology!).
HIM: "The Pharisees saw all of this at the cross yet they knew me not!” "The Sadducees needed mystical signs yet they couldn't recognize them!" "I grant wisdom and truth to those who earnestly seek it in the purest form, not to those who cannot get over their own laws!" "For once, the laws were not needed." "In the Garden there was only one instruction, one law - do not partake in the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil!" "Yet, that was too difficult!" "Then I set the rules, the laws, my commandments, because the land became more rebellious than ever!” "Even after the display of the great flood and the miracle of Noah!" "So, with limited understanding, my people cried out for Kings! As if I wasn't enough for them! So, I granted them Kings. Then Priests now got into bed with Kings Corruption began, further testing me, testing me further and further!" "Yet, I still showed compassion! My priests, my chosen priests became so engrossed in the law that they forgot their first love and their first purpose! To serve ME and Not the Law!!" "I sent storms, I sent miracles, I was even there myself, but this was not enough!" "So finally, I sent my Son, my pure and precious Son! No Imperfection a perfect example for ALL!" "The Prophets even made a path for His coming! It was foretold by the Prophets!" "Yet, they couldn't hear the prophecies with any understanding!" "Everything was for show for them, even Holy Fasting and Sacrifice!" "It was a circus - My Son flipped tables, He was so angry - yet they with their prominence to guard their reputations, they refused to see God coming down and walking amongst them!" "Fools!" "Everything was there in plain sight, yet only a few that were chosen saw it! My witnesses! "Those who walked with my Son had Truth incarnate! Yet, because of their fear and humanness they forgot their Savior and even abandoned my Son at the Cross - save for a few!" "Then there was complete darkness as my own greatest Love of my Heart died a horrible torturous death!" "The prophecies began to unfold as the temple was destroyed by a great earthquake - Just as my Son told them!" "He took nothing for His journey, owed No Man anything, owned nothing, Yet Sacrificed Everything, for them and you!” "Even my Son's resting place on Earth was a borrowed tomb of a wealthy patron who witnessed the event and reconciled himself at the foot of the cross!" "So many that day had understanding yet still did not see the whole picture! Even the Roman Soldiers that punished and battered My Son - fell at the foot of the cross and reconciled themselves --gentiles!" "They turned and were saved!" "Was salvation not for everyone?” “One thief came to Paradise and one was doomed for destruction!" "So it will be very soon!"
HIM: continuing… "Two workers in a field, one comes Home, one stays!" "Blessed is the man who comes HOME!" "It is really this simple!"
I realized that Jesus was speaking as God - maybe because I would not be able to withstand the Full Glory of the Father God?! I know from what I had begun to see, I knew that I was not able to fully with stand all that I was seeing of this Glory - I think I would melt? I don't know LOL - Anyway, this was the dream! This is what I saw. NOW Present Day Instructions:
HIM: "Who of you today has more tools? Who of you today has several copies of the Word? Who today, has access to stories or testimonies of those who have come before you - as witnesses? All Do! Did I not promise these things as well as gifts and miracles too to those who accept the full Gospel of Truth? The words of my Son as well as the Apostles, my elect messengers of truth! They suffered for my Son's sake! They too suffered for truth!" "Then there was Paul. I chose one that was the most rebellious, did I not? Yet he saw through his blind eyes -- Truth and dedicated himself to spread this Truth of the blessing of my SON, even in Prison!" "Today my children have access. They have too much -- too much noise -- too much coming at them! Did Daniel not say that travel would change? Those who have the Word should read and understand!"
He shifted His voice because He could sense I was feeling bad...guilty! He softened and his eyes had compassion. I was just listening trying to figure out how I was always so dense! I felt so much compassion for the Apostles. How they must have struggled. How horrifying that day was for them when Jesus died! I began to understand my humanness like never before!! I began to understand His love like never before!!
Him: "The legions and forces of darkness have set up the noise. They are agents of distractions. Even the word is diluted by the time my lambs here it! The dark fallen have set this up! They invented confusion and have confounded God's Children!" "They are wicked." "Those who seek me, soak in my words, take up the cross and follow me will I not make them a special place at my altar, or a jewel in my Crown?" "Of Course!!" "My watchers, My prophets, My elect and my true priests will gain greater understanding than before! They will be lamps, lanterns and beacons in the storm!" "They will light the final roads that lead both the lost and the forgiven home." (Then He was so sad - I saw a tear) "Yet, not all will make it!" “Be Strong! Take Courage!" "I Love You and I am Proud of You all of You!! "One last thing, Look at the course of the life of a seed: (Then I saw, as He spoke, the scene play before me through a veil that He lifted) "The seed is planted by the Farmer in the pasture. The seed needs good soil and fresh rain. It pushes through the heavy wet soil to find light. There by light, it grows. What type of seed grows in darkness? The seedling becomes a crop ready for harvest in the season set up for harvest. The crop or fruit is made for the Harvest. After the Harvest, the crop is sold and the Harvester celebrates the Good return of His work! Then He lays down to Rest His weary Head and is Satisfied!" Then He smiled and said, "Look around You! Look around you! Everything has a pattern. Every living thing has a parable that all points my lambs home to me!' "Do you not see it?" "Everything has purpose under the sun or Son even!"
Alarm clock - woke and wrote down the dream!

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