Saturday, 30 March 2013

Sparrow's dream: 5


Dream begins...

Today, no ladder, I was up at Jesus' feet. I was crying, interceding for the lost, begging! I thanked Him for everything that I have been through. I thanked Him for my afflictions, yes my afflictions...I was opened and raw.
I said, "Lord I am afraid"!
He said, "Don't Be"
I said, "Lord, I don't have understanding. I seek to know your business, so that I might have peace."
He said, "There is no peace in my business for you or anyone of the Lord's children" "Be assured that My Father knows all things!” He sent me with the keys to release those who are imprisoned and ensnared on this earth!" "If His word is not enough, and the signs are not enough, and the prophecies being fulfilled are not enough for those who are faithful, then what good would it do to expose the Father's business at this time?" "What good would it do if you were to know? To Ready you’re House? By Faith You were Redeemed! By My Blood Covenant you were made complete!" "Your paths have been made straight and your price has been paid - REJOICE! Then, do Good until that day when truth is revealed! What a joyful day this will be!" "Know that your Groom is coming for His Bride. I will say it again!"
He seemed so serious and direct, I was in tears, afraid shaking and humbled, as the vast army of Angels was all around us. He then changed and realized that I needed comfort and reassurance! His eyes changed, He looked like there were tears in His Eyes.
He said, "One day the veil will be lifted off of my bride's eyes and you will see it. You will have knowledge of things that were hidden for your own protection." Pause "Do you as a parent reveal everything to your young children? Of course not, for they have not the full capacity to receive understanding! They drink Milk!" "Are you not glad the veil is there?"
I answered, "Yes Lord, I could not sit on His Seat and see all"!
He said, "Then be thankful!"
"Pray for His will to be done on Earth as it is in Heaven! Pray for His love, Israel! For this is perfection and love coming down NOW!"
"It is time for the storehouses of snow to be opened and the time of mourning to begin!" "My wish and my prayer and hope are that you find joy! Continue to love and laugh, encourage each other"! "Be Blessed!"
Me: "Hayah, I am sorry if I have troubled You, we just need to have assurance that You are coming for us!"
He smiles and laughs, "Oh, I am coming! We are coming to the Valley of Decision! The Valleys of Achor, Bacca and Beracah and the Mountains will be laid Low!" "When you see these things, do not be afraid, take peace that we are here, my legions of Angels are coming to the Valley of Decision! Like Rain - Everyone will see it!" "I will ride on the clouds and come for my Bride. Everything from this point is Child's play, rehearsal for the big event"
Me: "Hayah, is this to mean You are coming in Winter"?
He seemed bothered by my question and lack of understanding!
"Please have peace, take courage, be strong! Go to the word and read about all of the others who throughout History faced uncertainty, destruction, and death for the Father! Understand their road. Did they not endure out of Faith for the Father and the Son?"
"After affliction, Joy comes in the morning!" "For did I not say to the thief, 'today you will be with Me in Paradise?'" "So it will be with you"!
Me: "Lord, I am scared, I fear this day is very soon" He nodded in agreement.
"My Father will send a wave of peace over His Children -People will look and be amazed". "The lost will have understanding but, when it is too late." "The anger of the fallen will be amplified and revealed. People will not even see it. Their veil of darkness will hide truth. The Children of God held the truth and the light. The world will be void of truth. Truth will be gone. The Church will be gone!"
"You are my lanterns, you Watchers, you make the hearts of Heaven Glad! You give Joy to my heart! Oh, how I long to vindicate You! Oh how I long to be with You! You are My Love!"
"Nothing, not one worry, not one concern has the Father not known. He knows everything - He designed You!" "His spirit is in you!" "My heart is in your Heart".
"All of Heaven is complete and ready to receive the Bride"! "There will be festivities. There will be wedding gifts that the Father has prepared for each and every one of you!
"There are even special gifts for those who have been faithful in Watching and Waiting in Anticipation for this day!" "There will be so many caught off guard, but you who have eyes to see and ears to hear, who foretold, and fore sought my coming, who took ridicule for my sake will hold a special place!" “A special recompense will come straight from the Father"! "Just as those what are persecuted for my sake will hold special honor, and my elect will hold special honor, so will those who anticipate my coming hold special honor. All will see it!"
"All will be fair"! "All will be perfect"!
Me: "Lord, I am so excited. I am so tired, worn, my bones ache, my youth is fading, my heart....."
He stopped me,” I know"! "I love you"
I said, "Lord, can I bargain for the lost, for my mom?" "From what I see around me, You are coming....NOW! I'm afraid!"
"I have given you the keys of knowledge to unlock the doors of understanding. Read and find comfort there! Above all else, get Wisdom! What you ask for in My name, until my coming, You will be given!"
"We are in the final hours!" "We ready ourselves for the Final Command of the Father who sits on the Throne, The Creator of ALL Things, even the blacksmith!" "None of us knows the exact moment"!
(He grabbed my arms in front of me again and looked right at me)
His instructions:
"Read through your dreams and others, look at the speed and the elements, the quickness, the unfolding of the word!" "From this you can gauge, as we have, and the fallen have!" "Because of this late hour, the enemy has come out in full force to dishearten all"! "Even some of God's children will be deceived, as if this were possible"!
"Finally, ready yourselves, prepare your spiritual armor, the Word is Clear"!
"Cover your household, mark your threshold!"
"You have been redeemed!" "Not one lamb will be lost!" "The word will have new meaning! It will be fully illuminated with Greater understanding!"
"Scholars will say,’ why didn't I see that before, it is right there?" Yet the smallest of children will see it!
"I love you my bride!"
He hugged me and said, "Soon"!!

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