Saturday, 30 March 2013

Sparrow's Dream: 3


Dream begins...

Again, I was in a wheat field. There was a ladder going up to a portal. I was really excited this time because I was anticipating my visit with the Lord! This time the wheat field had changed.
The wheat was cut and in rows, the stalks were gone and there was dirt everywhere. I saw workers loading the rolls of wheat onto trucks. I heard one say, "When does the burning begin?" the other said, "As soon as we get word and the wind dies down".
I began to climb the ladder. This time, I looked out; I saw a film of soot in the sky hovering over a small a cloak...maybe smoke. Anyway, at the top of the portal two angels greeted me by name and smiled. They were beautiful. There I saw my Lord, Jesus again sitting with His arms stretched out as if He had been expecting me. I began to have tears in my eyes (I am crying as I type this). I realized again, that I was very a toddler about 30" as I walked toward Him my legs were beginning to give out like I was just learning to walk and lost my balance. I began to weep!
He gathered me up in His muscular arms... He laughed when I went to grab His muscles to see if He was strong!! He was! He held me and I cried... I said, "Hayah (pronounced I-yah) when, Hayah"? (I have no idea why I called Him this, or what this is from, it was either Father or Jesus) This is what HE said:
"Remember what I told you before?" "Continue to watch" (pause) "Signs are in place this is the close of the Harvest"! He sensed that I wanted to urgently do something to get more people to be saved, He read my thoughts. "There is nothing more to do child". (pause) "Now Live!" He said "Be in Fellowship with each other! Be in Joy and Laughter! Become contagious in love!
Then He asked me a question:
"If you knew which day I was to come, and you knew that the Harvest was over, the wheat would be winnowed and prepared to make bread, (pause) the wine would finally be in blossom to drink, (pause) then If you knew all things were ready and in place for the celebration and the only thing that was required of you was to be willing to partake (pause) how would you spend the time?" (whoa)
I said, "I guess I would relax and look forward in anticipation to the big event". He smiled and nodded approvingly "Yes, that is right", He said.
Then He continued with Instructions...sternly reminding me that it was all under His control!
"Spend time in Worship, Praise, and Love!" "Spend time in Fellowship!" "Love your neighbors!" "Love those who hate you for my sake"! "This way when the day comes, you will enjoy it with peace knowing that I am the Groom, My Father has sent me to come for my Bride! The wedding will take place and is on Schedule!"
Then, HE took my arms in front of Him again, and said, "Heaven is Ready"!
"My Father has prepared all of the festivities and you are to take nothing for the journey, I require no dowry, remember?" "Just your hearts that I have prepared in advance for this Day"!
I cried...wept forever it seemed, while He held me. I watched for details, all was the same as I remember Him! I didn't want to leave.
He waived, to my angel escorts, He gave me a big long hug and told me He love us!
As I was leaving again, I looked back, He said, "Watch Israel and Pray for Israel". "I have something for you in Psalm 29 and Isaiah 54---look for it"!! I waived.
Just as I was being helped down the ladder again, it was if I went through the portal and immediately woke up out of my sleep!!

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