Dream begins...
Frozen Ground - Stripped - bare dirt. Five angels were at the base of the ladder forming a circle around the ladder. They helped me up the ladder. One climbing before me and one climbing behind! Two helped me up at the top!! I ran again to Him (again I am 30" high). Instead of bowing before Him I leaped up into Hi embrace. His hair was white, silky and wavy.
I cried to Him!
Me: "Hayah, what if people think I am crazy?" "What if this isn't you but some elaborate enemy scheme??"
He gave me a big Hug! I noticed while I was looking over His shoulder those same beautiful wings. "Erin, look around you, LOOK!" My eyes saw vast armies of angels - as I scanned them in 360 degree mode, they waved at me and I waved at them! He said, "Not even the AC can be here and with His hoards like this, in a setting like this! You wouldn't be left alone with no discernment and you having God within you....evil is patient but, not like this." "His time is short, he'll use it were it counts most."
Me: "Hayah, why were there angels at the foot of the ladder today?"
HIM: " To protect your access!"
Me: "What is happening?"
HIM: Then He began to speak in a beautiful harmonic voice, yet with heaviness "The multitudes have gathered in the Valley of Decision"! "Do you not know?"
Me: "I think so?"
HIM: "My mightiest have gone to prepare for the day"
Me: Scared and Sad I said, "Oh Hayah.................!" I had no words to say.
HIM: "I prepared you!" "Did I not equip you?" "Did I not send Angels to help you?"
In this moment, I realized that the angels He sent were serving a different purpose than I thought....No necessarily to pour out gifts but instead, to protect!
Me: "Lord you are deepening my understanding of everything, it all makes more sense!!
HIM: "Yes, the veil is becoming more transparent."
I began to have thoughts of what people might think of my sharing dreams from this time with Him? What if I lose my children? He knew what I was thinking....
HIM: "Don't worry bout this now!" "People scoff, even the brethren, my special children are envious and divisive, it wears me out!" (GET THIS) "It is like you last night, when you were angry with your son for being so demanding!" "So, I get like this too!" (Yikes)
Me: "Lord forgive my anger!" "I repent!"
HIM: He smiled and nodded! "I accept!" (We both laughed) "Even my bride can treat me as if I can be summoned - like I am a Genie in a Bottle!" He laughed. I paused and then laughed.
Me: "Hayah, I have done this to You!" "I do this all of the time, like everyday!"
Him: "Yes, (pause with laughter) I know!" "What is difficult for me is, by Faith my bride, asks in my name!" "Yet, from the Will, the Perfect Will of the Father, I do not always get what I ask for!" "Because my Father grants me understanding, then I submit to His Will! (Then, still kind of laughing but teaching), "Erin, do you know how many tables I have wanted to Flip over?" I laughed so Hard and He laughed too!
Him: "My Father has me, His Son, now to intercede". "I listen, I obey, I petition, I wait, I cry, I mourn, I anticipate!" "I do this with special patience...the patience that comes with peace, which surpasses your understanding." Further: "Know that I too, have felt just as you have." "And know that I hear but, I wait on my Father's will in the situation." "He does not waiver, nor is He weak!" "He is no longer the Father that once came down and walked with Adam and Eve nor who dwelt in the ARK amongst the Israelites!" "He has me now!" "I carry out His business and command the angels concerning Him!" "He is no longer the Father that once turned immediately in mercy on the humbling pleas of grain offerings!" "He no longer turns!" "He sees!" "He is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow but now, He sits on the throne in Majesty!" "He is not unfeeling!" "He loves His creation!" "He is not deaf to their cries!" But what kind of Father would we want Him to be; Wavering, Changing, out of Control?" "Everyone's prayers answered, here or there?" "Totally conflicting the prophecies written more than several thousand years ago?" "How confused and scared we would all be!"
Then, He chuckled and pointed also to Himself! I laughed. He was so sweet and it was a teaching moment that I will hold dear to my heart!
HIM: "Very soon, people will be angry and curse all of us collectively!" "It grieves Me when I think of it!" "If all the people knew how much my Father loves, then all would have understanding except those who were born for evil from the beginning!" (Then HE gets serious) "There are times coming!" "Times are coming!" "Love is coming in Full sight!"
Me: "How, Hayah!"
HIM: "Do you trust me?"
Me: "Of course!"
HIM: "Do you see signs?"
Me: "Yes!"
HIM: "Do you not know the Hour?"
Me: I looked around...."Yes!"
HIM: "Then trust!" "There will be a time soon when there will be no access to each other!" "Bridges will have fallen!" "Remember to pray in advance!" "Hear and wait for instructions!" "Turn your ears!" "Ask in my name for understanding!"
(Sternly) "Carry the word with you - keep it on your heart!" "It will be the life line with the Holy Spirit in the storm!"
(He could tell I was struggling to understand) "Things will make perfect sense to so many, yet even amongst the Brethren it will seem like a puzzle, but soon the Word will illuminate like never before!"
Me: "Hayah, come soon, we are tired!"
HIM: "I know, but again, have faith, take courage! Soon, Very Soon!
Me: "Like before the end of the year or month?"
HIM: "Not even I know, but look around, compare from your last visit and the time before that!" "Read the Word and Watch Israel!" "Is there not a gauge?" "I love you, Take heart, Pray, Ready yourselves!" "Love has come down to the valleys!" "The mountains will shake at the coming!" (He hugged me and began to send me off!) "I love you!"
Me: "No...I love you!" I made Him Laugh!
The angel escorting me said, "Words for you to put upon your heart until He sees you again, Psalm 91, Psalm 33, Isaiah 65-66,Psalm 46!"
I waved good bye! (oh, He will see me again...for a visit?) I woke up! Wrote it down quickly then off to work!
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