Monday, 18 March 2013

March 8, 2013 - PRAY and FAST!

March 8, 2013:

To MY beloved bride:  An invitation for a 3-day Esther fast!

My dear children,I thank you for the perseverance and patience you now show
as you wait for the coming of My beloved Son Yahushua HaMashiach. I thank you
and want to express My appreciation to you for this.

You will be richly rewarded for this, you who prepare yourselves in prayer and fasting,
covered with a mantle of true repentance and a new heart-My Heart that I offer to

I want to invite you again for a 3-day Esther fast on March 18-19 20, 2013,
starting at midnight your time. Thus, there will be a chain of prayer amongst
My bride throughout the world.

Know, My dear children, that My enemy also has a time of prayer and fasting
in the world. But the prayer of the righteous availeth much more! I will reveal
to you more about the tactics of the enemy. Seek Me about this.

My beloved, all prophecy is now being fulfilled.Everything is now put in place
in the Heavenlies and also on earth. This earth is ready to receive what has been
written from days long ago, what has been pronounced from a time long ago.
My lamentation over the earth has been long and intense.
My invitation to repent has been long and intense.
The sorrow in My Heart has been long and intense.
My patience has been long and intense.
The intercessions of My Son have been long and intense. My Throne Room of grace has
been filled abundantly with intercession and crying out for those who could enter in;
and in their due time, many have entered in!

I, YHWH God, have called My bride-And those who heard and obeyed have entered in.
They are now being further trained and prepared to escape what is coming.
I, God, have a special plan with them. Not everything is written in My Word!
Therefore I call on you to come to Me in prayer and fasting, in order to stand firm
against the schemes of the enemy and to receive My revelations so you can be prepared
for what is coming. Much more I will reveal to you about this. These are the secret
revelations to My bride in the Secret Place. These are the revelations from My Heart
for her, My beloved.

My Son is fighting for you in prayer and intercession. He has suffered much for His bride.
Still a few need to enter in. Come to Me in prayer, My bride, please come. This is the time!
There is only a very very short time. Come in this 3-day Esther fast- no food, no drink,
just Me and you. Ask for Heavenly Manna and Living Water from My Throne and I will give
it to you. Come to Me in the mighty Name of My Son Yahushua HaMashiach.
He is your intercessor and advocate.

Come for yourself, but also come for My beloved Land Israel. She is still the apple
of My Eye and I will save her through everything. She will enter in and be triumphant
on My Mount Zion. There will I gather My people and meet with them. Together we
will feast on My Holy Mountain! Hallelujah!

I look forward to meeting you there also...But you must be ready! My bride
is not ready-She must go through much deliverance yet. Let My Son help you.
Come in fasting and prayer when I call you. "This kind goeth not out but
by prayer and fasting", My Word says.

Look it up and read My Word! Fill yourselves with the life of My Son in the Word.
Read how He lived,
read how He has cast out demons...
Read how He replied to his enemies in all Wisdom...
Read and learn!

I want to prepare you, for the time of severe tribulation is imminent!
My judgments are already being poured out on this world.
Read the news...much more is coming.

Pray for the apple of My eye, Israel. Please pray for her protection.
Pray that many will yet enter in- that they will be awakened and made ready.
It has to happen now, for time is short-it is here and NOW! Pray,My beloved.
Enter in as the Bride and pray together for My Land. I, Jehovah, will
richly reward those who enter into their calling with a heart of obedience and love!

These words are very serious-do not push them back to the side. Those who push Me
and My Son back to the side, I push back to the side. So be warned. Many are already
judged because they think they can mock their God. Mockery is very serious
and is rewarded with a heavy hand of judgment from My side. Search your heart,
everyone for himself, and ask Me to examine it every day again. Ask Me again
for a new heart, every day-until you are fully one with My Heart and My will
for your life.

Time is short. I love you My bride, I love you very much! Therefore, I give you
this call and warning and encouragement. Do not give up...keep going until My Son
comes to receive you as His bride!

Much is going on now on earth and here in My Kingdom. All prophecy is now
being be ready! Come and enter in as My beloved, called and
chosen bride. Seek Me in this fast and ask Me to reveal your calling.
Ask Me, come to Me, seek Me...and I, YAHUVEH God, will reveal to you great
and unsearchable things! I am itching to disclose My end-time secrets to you,
My bride.

More is coming... For the present, seek Me in the Secret Place. This call
has been preordained for you, My beloved.

I love you. In everything give all honor to My Son Yahushua HaMashiach,
for He has accomplished it all for you and He will be your honorable price,
if you enter into your calling. Seek Me always through My Son...and I, YHWH,
My beloved Yahushua,and Our Ruach HaKodesh will reveal Ourselves to you.

Shalom, My bride... Shalom.
Jehovah YHWH GOD

(A friend of mine sent this words to me via email)

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