Saturday, 30 March 2013

Marriage Supper of The Lamb - Susan Davis

Training In Humility
Daughter I am ready to give you Words. Listen closely as I speak. Now I want to go over new information. I want to talk about training in the way of being humble.
This is the way of the humble. A quiet, still heart are MY humble ones. They walk quietly never looking for position or privilege. They seek ME in all ways. They are ever-seeking their GOD. They do not want to be center-focus. They do not want to seek attention for themselves or recognition.
They only desire to be loved and cared for by ME, their GOD. They trust ME and I care for them. I meet their expectations. I deliver their needs. I bring them all the things they require to live by. I am their ROCK.
I am ever faithful to MY humble servants. I bring them peace and calm in every storm. I am always at their side, ever abiding, always willing to serve them. I Love MY humble servants. They are a beautiful fragrance to ME. I Love them and they love ME. WE are inseparable. I am their AIR. They shine bright as stars. They do not seek the ways of the world. I keep them content. The world holds no sway over them. They seek ME for contentment and I bring them what they desire.
They are never disappointed. Very few walk this path. Very few find it. The ones, who do, find the road to MY Kingdom everlasting.
1 Peter 5:6. Humble yourselves therefore under the Mighty Hand of GOD, that HE may exalt you in due time: My humble servants always listen for MY Voice. They move when I ask them to and they serve when I need them to with a glad heart. They love to serve in MY Kingdom. They are content serving their KING and I bring them joy and peace.
MY Love flows over them. They never lack.
To be humble, you must consider yourself in last place, never needing first place.
It is wisdom to be last not first. The fools seek first place. MY humble servants are wise and know what pleases ME, their GOD. MY children are the humble, the ones the world never notices or sees, hidden away out of the view of the worldly.
They are of no account in this world, but in MY Kingdom, they are the rulers and reigners. They are exalted in MY Heavenly Realm. I honor MY humble ones. They sit with ME on MY Heavenly Throne and enjoy MY Presence. The humble who make themselves last in this life enjoy position in MY Kingdom. They are lifted up and held in esteem for their life of submission on earth. These ones bring ME joy and I give them peace, everlasting peace.
Mark 10:31. But many that are first shall be last; and the last first.
I walk with the humble and make MYSELF known to them. This is MY Gift for their sacrifice. What a sweet smell their love for ME is and I will honor them.
Humble is the way of the Kingdom of GOD. Everyone in MY Kingdom is filled with humility. Pride cannot enter in. It has no place in MY Kingdom, only peaceful submission to ME, GOD. This is MY Kingdom, full of quiet humility where everyone is satisfied with the love and beauty that overflows. There is no one who is dissatisfied with their life in heaven. Only hope and peace abounds. This world overflows with love.
1 John 2:16. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and lust of the eyes, and the pride of life is not of the FATHER, but is of the world.
MARRIAGE SUPPER OF THE LAMB PROJECT: The Marriage Supper of the Lamb book contains Words dictated by our LORD to Susan Davis during a 40-day water fast she was called to do in a secluded location. During this time the LORD dictated several letters about many topics including: humility, forgiveness, trusting in GOD, being prepared for the LORD’s Return, and much more. This book is changing and impacting lives in amazing ways. This book is FOR EVERYONE and it is available as a FREE Ebook that can be easily downloaded and read.

Marriage Supper of the LAMB Website:
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In spanish:
Marriage Supper of the Lamb ( Cena De La Boda Del Cordero ): Paperback: Kindle: Smashwords(Free):

Sparrow's Dream: 10


Dream begins...

I was the Manager of a retail store in a wealthy area. The owner gave me a key and entrusted the shop to me. I was to open the store at an appointed time. I was being lured by things that were related to the store's business, but not the exact job duties of the owner. When I tried to walk away from various things I would be lured back same cycle repeating over and over.
Example: One vendor had lured me to a gallery filled with are. they were trying to get me to purchase a series of seven pieces of art for my employer. It was taking too much time, I tried to leave but couldn't. I realized the trap, because several of these paintings I had rejected before were the very same paintings I was seeing before me only hung in a different formation. I said "I have to run" I was very late opening the shop. I was anxious because I had no excuse for the delay. I was deceived. Oh no I thought - I will be fired! I woke up unnerved and bothered by this dream!
Woke up... In a few minutes, I fell back asleep.
Dream continues...
Today, no portal, no gauge - I was sitting on His lap!
I said to Him, "Hayah, this is out of sequence, there was order before!"
HIM: "No it isn't - Did you not understand?" Did you not comprehend through the noise?
Me: (like I was learning how to ride a bike the first time) "Okay so let me understand this, everything we do is turned bad by the wicked?
HIM: "No, let's look again!" "When a seed is planted and it can't get light, can it grow?"
Me: "No"!
Him: "Correct! If you are the lamps or lights and there is darkness like a blanket trying to snuff out your lights so much so that you are blinded, then how can you see!"
Me: "I can't see if a dark blanket is blinding me or a dark blanket is over a lamp in a room - there is no light to see!
HIM: (He nodded - approving) "Correct!"
(I am clearly getting schooled)
Me: "So yesterday at Target the 2 shoplifters - that was a veil of darkness?
HIM: "Of sorts!" "You had the same thing happen every day last week, and even several times per day!" "All of My Bride is experiencing this right now!" "It is the time for confusion by the enemy prior to my coming" (He instantly downloaded everything that kept me from being fruitful - even to my own body)
Me: "So Father, please tell them to stop, (Chuckling but also kind of upset) in Jesus' Name!!
HIM: "This is part of the process of the learning curve, I could remove it but, in one moment of going through it, you learned more than if I were to say it! -You have a fuller understanding and now have the experience to convey this!"
(He could tell I wasn't as happy with this method - I acted like a brat) He smiled and hugged me. I began to cry!
Me: "Why does everything have to be so difficult here!" Is there a demon behind everything? He kissed my forehead and I saw those eyes again. In a moment I saw flashes of painful scenes from the lives of so many people all over the world right now. I turned away. Crying, I said, "I am sorry Father, please forgive me! I speak without knowledge...." He put His finger to my lips to quiet me.
HIM: "They have many resources but they do not have Heaven behind them - although much is rooted in Darkness on this earth consider it's Landlord"
Me: "Lord, You are the Landlord."
HIM: "No, God is the Creator!" "The landlord was granted the land for a time - renting it from God, of sorts!!
Me: "Oh, I get it"
HIM: "There is no real fruit coming from God's land. Like David's son, Solomon said, 'nothing is new under the sun' - everything goes back to the dirt"
Me: "So how can anyone succeed here!"
HIM: "IN lies the problem, define success!"
Me: "I can't I guess!"
HIM: "Does a man not face himself at the end of his days and say what was it for? Did I work for nothing?" "I offer up his mantle, his course, his life."
Then he waved his arm again and lifted the veil: I could see a woman giving birth to a a 30 second progression fast forward time lapsed I saw a man's entire life from birth to the grave. It was actually shocking!
Him: "So it is from my perspective, unfruitful! He gained his life only to lose it. He did not have ME!" "I scan the earth looking for anyone that might look for me, yet, it is I who chose! (He turns back to taking the voice of the Father) "My children, whom I have chosen from the beginning, have marks, they are beacons!" "In Egypt, Did the Angel of the Lord tell every Israelite to mark their doors with the lamb's blood, so the angel of death would pass over them? Today, after the cross, each who have accepted my Son - is covered in the Lamb's Blood - Jesus's Blood, (pause) "Marked!" "Now some are more fruitful than others!"
Again His arm waved and the veil lifted: I saw a preacher bringing thousands to the Lord and then I saw one single Christian bringing a neighbor a cup of coffee and a prayer.
HIM: "In this world, earthly perspective, you only see from your limited view." "What do you see!"
Me: "I see someone I wish I was...the Preacher saving 1000's."
HIM: "I see acts of Love!" "I am proud of both - Both have equal weight!" "The coffee and prayer to the neighbor was a seed planted, know that my angels go out and bring forth the Harvest, - the prayers sow the seed! Now, is it not my job to bring in the Harvest?" "If I Created the Blacksmith and the Landlord, did I not also Create the Preacher and the kind Neighbor?" (He saw that I was a bit confused - I had always focused on works as if they were created by the individual not by the Lord) "Further, I determine the life of the seed!"
Me: "So my doing something small and insignificant out here in the desert is just as meaningful to you as a Preacher in India bringing in a thousand new souls for the Kingdom?"
HIM: "YES, But you are not seeing it through my eyes!" "As a parent, how would you feel if we were talking about one of your sons, is the preacher and one is the neighbor?"
Me: "I would be proud of both but, I would boast about the one winning the most souls!!"
HIM: He laughed again, "You are seeing what humans see!"
Then I realized because his love is far beyond mine, He looks at each as fruitful equally. Here I always compared myself to Super Christians and thought of them as greater than me. I understand now that He doesn't see things like this.
HIM: "Erin, I see the Heart - I am after the Heart!! "Now, Back to the Veil of darkness, because we are marked, darkness hates light. The wolves go out to devour the young and the old sheep on the outskirts of the fold -- or the stragglers. The wolves run in packs, with formation they plot. One will distract the herder first to try to make the entire fold vulnerable. When that doesn't work, then they pick off the weakest one by one!"
HIM: "So it is today - The wicked have hierarchies, soldiers, captains, and commanders, and a chief - there are branches. Now, the battle has begun the war is raging! Evil is unleashed against the righteous, so many have no armor. It is the final push for the wolves to devour what they can." "The angels have come after them. They reinforce my Heavenly force that is here amongst you guarding you in your daily walks. -- So to put it in your terms -- The Special Forces were just deployed into the war! These were spoken about and foretold!"
Me: "Oh so the 1/3 of the army were special OPS?
HIM: Yes, It is the final sweep - Love is coming down!
Me: "Hayah, You are Love!"
HIM: "Yes, Heaven is coming down - Suddenly the Lord's Prayer downloaded into my head,
Me: "You’re Kingdom Come!" He was pleased that I finally got it! I hugged Him.
HIM: I love you! "Soon I will come for you!" "Please Continue to Pray! Love one Another, forgive, do not cease doing good, even up to the end, don't surrender to the flesh! All have sinned and fallen short! Do things because My Father in Heaven can see it! Display for Him Not for man to see! He sees goodness in Secret and is pleased! Pray, Praise, and Bless!! Put on your whole Armor so you may stop the wicked! There is nothing you can Do! Wait and Pray so that light covers your house and darkness can't cover the light! Angels of Heaven will protect you! Use Discernment! Ask me if the distractions you face daily are divine delays or wicked schemes!" "Further, you cannot be stolen from me! Remain in me, remain in my word! Just ask in my name and you will receive! Blessed is the man who accepts my Gifts!"
He hugged me!
Me: "I love You so much!"
HIM: Smiling, "I love you more!!" We both laughed.
The angel escorted me to the portal. As I was going down, the Angel spoke again, "Words that Bring Comfort Psalm 91 and Psalm 23 and Haggai Has Prophecy!"

I woke up to the Dog Barking! I was running hot - I thought I had a fever - It is been like this all week - checked several times nothing, no temperature.

Sparrow's Dream: 9


Dream begins...

I was in a very dark barren landscape. I heard an angel say, "Today you are at Golgotha." I looked around; I was in a scene at the foot of the Cross! I was at the Crucifixion and as near as Mary!
It was even worse that the Passion Movie Visually! Jesus had died. It was right after His spirit had left! Everything was in grey screen with only the only color being Jesus' blood! At the cross, everything was frozen in time - an Angel of the Lord came over to me and offered me communion, bread and wine..... Whatttt? Right now??? I was sick and didn't feel like eating or drinking to say the least!! The angel was robed with a hood as is if in mourning - He pushed the elements toward me and without speaking; I knew I was to take them. I partook in the bread. Then I (unfrozen now) saw the Roman Soldier Spear Jesus' side, I was at the foot of the cross right under it! It was horrifying...the visual of it after I had had such great conversations with Him made me so angry, I wanted to scream! I was in tears, wailing. Then, out of Christ's side water and blood poured out over me as the wind blew. Then, I was literally taking part in the wine! I tasted wine on my lips which was HIS blood!! It was Powerful a Vision of the Cross! I was there in real time!
Quickly, I was in a scene at a banquet. It consisted of people from my past and present. Somewhere in chains. The angel, (and it was the same very cool angel that greeted me at the portal everyday) said there is a banquet that has been prepared before your enemies. Immediately I looked and I was resisting. I didn't really like any of these people! Some from years ago, I hadn't remembered for a long time. Then I saw some that were in chains, I asked about them. The angel said these are bound by your unforgiveness and your offense... Whoaaa!! "Okay, I don't want to be here!" "I literally squirmed!' The angel said, "Forgive so that the Father can forgive you!"
I am setting on Jesus' lap and He is speaking to me. My head is lying on His chest. He began speaking in the continuation of my prayer questions. His armed opened the veil to the scene of the Crucifixion, where I just was - (whoa -- Heavenly technology is better than earthly technology!).
HIM: "The Pharisees saw all of this at the cross yet they knew me not!” "The Sadducees needed mystical signs yet they couldn't recognize them!" "I grant wisdom and truth to those who earnestly seek it in the purest form, not to those who cannot get over their own laws!" "For once, the laws were not needed." "In the Garden there was only one instruction, one law - do not partake in the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil!" "Yet, that was too difficult!" "Then I set the rules, the laws, my commandments, because the land became more rebellious than ever!” "Even after the display of the great flood and the miracle of Noah!" "So, with limited understanding, my people cried out for Kings! As if I wasn't enough for them! So, I granted them Kings. Then Priests now got into bed with Kings Corruption began, further testing me, testing me further and further!" "Yet, I still showed compassion! My priests, my chosen priests became so engrossed in the law that they forgot their first love and their first purpose! To serve ME and Not the Law!!" "I sent storms, I sent miracles, I was even there myself, but this was not enough!" "So finally, I sent my Son, my pure and precious Son! No Imperfection a perfect example for ALL!" "The Prophets even made a path for His coming! It was foretold by the Prophets!" "Yet, they couldn't hear the prophecies with any understanding!" "Everything was for show for them, even Holy Fasting and Sacrifice!" "It was a circus - My Son flipped tables, He was so angry - yet they with their prominence to guard their reputations, they refused to see God coming down and walking amongst them!" "Fools!" "Everything was there in plain sight, yet only a few that were chosen saw it! My witnesses! "Those who walked with my Son had Truth incarnate! Yet, because of their fear and humanness they forgot their Savior and even abandoned my Son at the Cross - save for a few!" "Then there was complete darkness as my own greatest Love of my Heart died a horrible torturous death!" "The prophecies began to unfold as the temple was destroyed by a great earthquake - Just as my Son told them!" "He took nothing for His journey, owed No Man anything, owned nothing, Yet Sacrificed Everything, for them and you!” "Even my Son's resting place on Earth was a borrowed tomb of a wealthy patron who witnessed the event and reconciled himself at the foot of the cross!" "So many that day had understanding yet still did not see the whole picture! Even the Roman Soldiers that punished and battered My Son - fell at the foot of the cross and reconciled themselves --gentiles!" "They turned and were saved!" "Was salvation not for everyone?” “One thief came to Paradise and one was doomed for destruction!" "So it will be very soon!"
HIM: continuing… "Two workers in a field, one comes Home, one stays!" "Blessed is the man who comes HOME!" "It is really this simple!"
I realized that Jesus was speaking as God - maybe because I would not be able to withstand the Full Glory of the Father God?! I know from what I had begun to see, I knew that I was not able to fully with stand all that I was seeing of this Glory - I think I would melt? I don't know LOL - Anyway, this was the dream! This is what I saw. NOW Present Day Instructions:
HIM: "Who of you today has more tools? Who of you today has several copies of the Word? Who today, has access to stories or testimonies of those who have come before you - as witnesses? All Do! Did I not promise these things as well as gifts and miracles too to those who accept the full Gospel of Truth? The words of my Son as well as the Apostles, my elect messengers of truth! They suffered for my Son's sake! They too suffered for truth!" "Then there was Paul. I chose one that was the most rebellious, did I not? Yet he saw through his blind eyes -- Truth and dedicated himself to spread this Truth of the blessing of my SON, even in Prison!" "Today my children have access. They have too much -- too much noise -- too much coming at them! Did Daniel not say that travel would change? Those who have the Word should read and understand!"
He shifted His voice because He could sense I was feeling bad...guilty! He softened and his eyes had compassion. I was just listening trying to figure out how I was always so dense! I felt so much compassion for the Apostles. How they must have struggled. How horrifying that day was for them when Jesus died! I began to understand my humanness like never before!! I began to understand His love like never before!!
Him: "The legions and forces of darkness have set up the noise. They are agents of distractions. Even the word is diluted by the time my lambs here it! The dark fallen have set this up! They invented confusion and have confounded God's Children!" "They are wicked." "Those who seek me, soak in my words, take up the cross and follow me will I not make them a special place at my altar, or a jewel in my Crown?" "Of Course!!" "My watchers, My prophets, My elect and my true priests will gain greater understanding than before! They will be lamps, lanterns and beacons in the storm!" "They will light the final roads that lead both the lost and the forgiven home." (Then He was so sad - I saw a tear) "Yet, not all will make it!" “Be Strong! Take Courage!" "I Love You and I am Proud of You all of You!! "One last thing, Look at the course of the life of a seed: (Then I saw, as He spoke, the scene play before me through a veil that He lifted) "The seed is planted by the Farmer in the pasture. The seed needs good soil and fresh rain. It pushes through the heavy wet soil to find light. There by light, it grows. What type of seed grows in darkness? The seedling becomes a crop ready for harvest in the season set up for harvest. The crop or fruit is made for the Harvest. After the Harvest, the crop is sold and the Harvester celebrates the Good return of His work! Then He lays down to Rest His weary Head and is Satisfied!" Then He smiled and said, "Look around You! Look around you! Everything has a pattern. Every living thing has a parable that all points my lambs home to me!' "Do you not see it?" "Everything has purpose under the sun or Son even!"
Alarm clock - woke and wrote down the dream!

Sparrow's Dream: 8


Dream begins...

Five angels are at the foot of the ladder in a circle. Everything was pitch black... in night time hours it must have been about 3:30 am - the sky had no stars. There was a complete circle of light just around the angels at the base of the ladder. They were united together in praise and prayers! It was strange because it was pitch black - cold and bitter! No snow. One angel went up ahead of me and one was closely behind! Three stayed at the base and they had large swords! The portal opened and closed quickly!!The same two angels were at the top to help me up! The angel that climbed with me stayed with the other at the portal.
The angel said, "The Lord is on the Bema Seat today!"
Me: "Hayah!" I ran to Him again! This time, His hair was white as snow with diamond dust woven into it, like nothing I have ever seen... spun silk, intricate. He picked me up and hugged me! It was the most amazing sight! I reached out to touch His hair, it was fine a soft, it felt like velvet and it was illuminated! His wings were partially spread as He sat! They were shimmering white, Bonze, Platinum, Silver, some light bluish tint and crushed diamond shimmer!!
Me: "Oh Hayah, You are so beautiful!!" "To behold You is Breathtaking!" "You are like no painting I have ever seen! When the Bible says ‘Behold Your Glory & Your Majesty it does not really describe it!" He smiled at me. His teeth were beautiful white, like pearl and Ivory! He was Glorious!
When He held me this time, it wasn't like the other times. I could barely contain it! A blanket or cocoon of pure radiant love covered me! I instantly felt different! Every stain in me and on me was suddenly washed away---like pure snow -- fresh snow! I was seeing what He saw in me and I realized that all of us were made for so much more than this dreary world!! All cares were gone with HIM!! How could anyone think that this was boring?? There is more!! I was in shock! I grabbed my arm and pinched it and I rubbed my eyes to make certain I wasn't delusional! I felt this time, I had come too far, like I wasn' coming back this time!! Or should I say.....I didn't want to!! He knew all of my thoughts!
HIM: "It's not time for You, Erin!" He knew that I was enjoying this Heavenly State - then, I was instantly reminded of my children and the reality was, this was a temporary visit... a respite from this dark world! I supernaturally knew... this is where I belonged! I soaked here for a time! I cried too! He held me the whole time!
Me: "My kids need to have this too!"
HIM: "They will, do not worry!"
Me: "Lord, are you taking flight, Your wings are spreading?"
He smiled and chuckled (here I go fishing for information) like I knew I wasn't going to get the answer! He just smiled - this time no answer. I began to look around me - this Vast Army of Heaven! They were closer to us but there was still bare ground where the rest of the army once stood.
Me: "Are the others coming back?"
HIM: "Yes!" "No angels will take their place, they are appointed and special."
I noticed that there were things fluttering in the air all around us, like butterflies and fireflies were together! They were beautiful! He saw that I was fascinated by these.
HIM: "There are so many things waiting here for all of my children to partake in." "I have prepared a place for my Children!" "His throne is Here." "This is where you all belong! The fallen don't want anyone to know of the Glory that awaits them, the children of God!" "They are angry and jealous because the Father is a fair and Just Judge!" "He does not reverse His decision and it can not be revoked!" "They want access to the Glory Realm!" "There is a battle raging like none other before it and My Return is Imminent!" "Further remember, be strong, take courage, I am about to come into full GLORY!"
(NOW --this is incredible, I will lose some of you here, just keep reading!)
He opened a veil with the swing of His Arm and I looked down toward the Earth. I saw something frightening - like droves of crows - but He gave me a closer look and they were like human but swift and terrible with wings! I saw a red dragon and a black dragon - both terrible and very large. I saw other things - I saw a grey landscape and no green! The green was disappearing not from the seasons. No Lights anywhere! I quickly turned away with fright toward His shoulder. I was shaking. These beings were screeching & growling!
Me: "I don't want to go there"!
HIM: "It is there all around you on Earth"! Then He immediately waived His arm and I no longer saw them - they were no visible"!
HIM: "I keep these from you, or all would turn and be saved, and even the ones with corruption in their hearts would begin to corrupt Heaven!" "The two cannot dwell together HERE"! "The Darkness & Light must remain seperate!" "The Father has mercy but, not for these!"
I was suddenly relieved! I was scared!
HIM: "Your prayers come up! When they come up they break the darkness!" "They are beacons of light!" "When you read the word and pray for understanding this brings light!" "Did I not say this?" "Did the Father promise that His Word would not return Void?" "The Word is like a Sword!" "The Holy Spirit is Your Guide, it is God within you"! "When the word is spoken, especially in My Name, the Sword cuts like a knife and these dark beings are cut down swiftly - like a Swift horrifying Sword for the darkness!"
Me: "I didn't know this was literal Hayah"!
HIM: He smiled. "Of course, only a few have understanding about this"! "Darkness cloaks truth!" He smiled again, "Now you have understanding!"
Me: "So these really are weapons, (referring to prayers & the Word)?
HIM: He laughed and said, "Yes!" "Your armour is important!" "Did Paul have no understanding?"
Me: "I guess I just didn't understand!"
HIM: "There is more!" "For now, remember this!" "Pray for each other and love each other!" "Gain understanding, ask for Wisdom!" "You have been given a glimmer of what we see!" "Share this with My Watchmen, they need to know too!! Some do already, it will sharpen their knowledge and trigger memories and illuminate truth!" "Bask in Truth!" "Cut down the Armies and forces of Darkness! Make away were there seems to be no way!" "Beautiful are the feet who bring good news!" He chuckled because I must have looked confused. "Put on that Armor!" "I love You"! " I have equipped you!"
Me: "I love you too, Hayah!"
Then, the angel escorted me back! I woke up immediately to the alarm clock!

Sparrow's Dream: 7

Dream begins...
Frozen Ground - Stripped - bare dirt. Five angels were at the base of the ladder forming a circle around the ladder. They helped me up the ladder. One climbing before me and one climbing behind! Two helped me up at the top!! I ran again to Him (again I am 30" high). Instead of bowing before Him I leaped up into Hi embrace. His hair was white, silky and wavy.
I cried to Him!
Me: "Hayah, what if people think I am crazy?" "What if this isn't you but some elaborate enemy scheme??"
He gave me a big Hug! I noticed while I was looking over His shoulder those same beautiful wings. "Erin, look around you, LOOK!" My eyes saw vast armies of angels - as I scanned them in 360 degree mode, they waved at me and I waved at them! He said, "Not even the AC can be here and with His hoards like this, in a setting like this! You wouldn't be left alone with no discernment and you having God within you....evil is patient but, not like this." "His time is short, he'll use it were it counts most."
Me: "Hayah, why were there angels at the foot of the ladder today?"
HIM: " To protect your access!"
Me: "What is happening?"
HIM: Then He began to speak in a beautiful harmonic voice, yet with heaviness "The multitudes have gathered in the Valley of Decision"! "Do you not know?"
Me: "I think so?"
HIM: "My mightiest have gone to prepare for the day"
Me: Scared and Sad I said, "Oh Hayah.................!" I had no words to say.
HIM: "I prepared you!" "Did I not equip you?" "Did I not send Angels to help you?"
In this moment, I realized that the angels He sent were serving a different purpose than I thought....No necessarily to pour out gifts but instead, to protect!
Me: "Lord you are deepening my understanding of everything, it all makes more sense!!
HIM: "Yes, the veil is becoming more transparent."
I began to have thoughts of what people might think of my sharing dreams from this time with Him? What if I lose my children? He knew what I was thinking....
HIM: "Don't worry bout this now!" "People scoff, even the brethren, my special children are envious and divisive, it wears me out!" (GET THIS) "It is like you last night, when you were angry with your son for being so demanding!" "So, I get like this too!" (Yikes)
Me: "Lord forgive my anger!" "I repent!"
HIM: He smiled and nodded! "I accept!" (We both laughed) "Even my bride can treat me as if I can be summoned - like I am a Genie in a Bottle!" He laughed. I paused and then laughed.
Me: "Hayah, I have done this to You!" "I do this all of the time, like everyday!"
Him: "Yes, (pause with laughter) I know!" "What is difficult for me is, by Faith my bride, asks in my name!" "Yet, from the Will, the Perfect Will of the Father, I do not always get what I ask for!" "Because my Father grants me understanding, then I submit to His Will! (Then, still kind of laughing but teaching), "Erin, do you know how many tables I have wanted to Flip over?" I laughed so Hard and He laughed too!
Him: "My Father has me, His Son, now to intercede". "I listen, I obey, I petition, I wait, I cry, I mourn, I anticipate!" "I do this with special patience...the patience that comes with peace, which surpasses your understanding." Further: "Know that I too, have felt just as you have." "And know that I hear but, I wait on my Father's will in the situation." "He does not waiver, nor is He weak!" "He is no longer the Father that once came down and walked with Adam and Eve nor who dwelt in the ARK amongst the Israelites!" "He has me now!" "I carry out His business and command the angels concerning Him!" "He is no longer the Father that once turned immediately in mercy on the humbling pleas of grain offerings!" "He no longer turns!" "He sees!" "He is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow but now, He sits on the throne in Majesty!" "He is not unfeeling!" "He loves His creation!" "He is not deaf to their cries!" But what kind of Father would we want Him to be; Wavering, Changing, out of Control?" "Everyone's prayers answered, here or there?" "Totally conflicting the prophecies written more than several thousand years ago?" "How confused and scared we would all be!"
Then, He chuckled and pointed also to Himself! I laughed. He was so sweet and it was a teaching moment that I will hold dear to my heart!
HIM: "Very soon, people will be angry and curse all of us collectively!" "It grieves Me when I think of it!" "If all the people knew how much my Father loves, then all would have understanding except those who were born for evil from the beginning!" (Then HE gets serious) "There are times coming!" "Times are coming!" "Love is coming in Full sight!"
Me: "How, Hayah!"
HIM: "Do you trust me?"
Me: "Of course!"
HIM: "Do you see signs?"
Me: "Yes!"
HIM: "Do you not know the Hour?"
Me: I looked around...."Yes!"
HIM: "Then trust!" "There will be a time soon when there will be no access to each other!" "Bridges will have fallen!" "Remember to pray in advance!" "Hear and wait for instructions!" "Turn your ears!" "Ask in my name for understanding!"
(Sternly) "Carry the word with you - keep it on your heart!" "It will be the life line with the Holy Spirit in the storm!"
(He could tell I was struggling to understand) "Things will make perfect sense to so many, yet even amongst the Brethren it will seem like a puzzle, but soon the Word will illuminate like never before!"
Me: "Hayah, come soon, we are tired!"
HIM: "I know, but again, have faith, take courage! Soon, Very Soon!
Me: "Like before the end of the year or month?"
HIM: "Not even I know, but look around, compare from your last visit and the time before that!" "Read the Word and Watch Israel!" "Is there not a gauge?" "I love you, Take heart, Pray, Ready yourselves!" "Love has come down to the valleys!" "The mountains will shake at the coming!" (He hugged me and began to send me off!) "I love you!"
Me: "No...I love you!" I made Him Laugh!
The angel escorting me said, "Words for you to put upon your heart until He sees you again, Psalm 91, Psalm 33, Isaiah 65-66,Psalm 46!"
I waved good bye! (oh, He will see me again...for a visit?) I woke up! Wrote it down quickly then off to work!

Sparrow's Dream: 6


Dream begins...

There was the ladder, the atmosphere was freezing fog and frozen ground. Harvest was over. Circle of light illuminated the ground at the base of the ladder. Again two angels at the top, smaller than the ones from the last visit. Beautiful! I was told again, "The Lord is on the Bema seat today"! I saw Him in a distance and I ran - full sprint toward Him! His wings were still there but they were more spread out than before - -surreal. His hair shone like light gold - it was longer.
I cried out to Him. "Hayah I am afraid for what is coming"! I cried like a little child. "Lord, stay here I don't want anything to happen to you - You are my Father, Stay here with me!" I pleaded. He smiled and chuckled and held me. "You know I must come"! "Nothing will happen to me"! "I know now how much you love me and it warms my heart'! I looked around and noticed that almost 1/3 of the army and the seven angels were gone - some of the unusual angels were gone too.
He could see I was searching. He said, "They have gone to war."
Me: "Lord, I thought the war had already begun?" I felt it!
He said: "Yes, you are correct, but now Heaven is coming down, the Lord of hosts is coming down!" "This next portion must occur first, and then I come along with the rest!" "The rest assist in bringing home the children of the Lord" "All is unfolding now!" "It will be a normal day for many, business as usual!" "For many it will be horrible. Yet, for my bride -Glorious!" Pause "Remember Israel!"
ME: "What of America - My Home?" "America isn't spoken of in the Word."
He said, "Oh yes, it is there!" "When the word was written did you think certain nations and continents would be ignored?" "Of course not, It is there in plain sight!" "The world is rebellious, as is this generation!" "This land was the Father's originally." "It was rededicated as a nation under my Father!" "It was, is still, and always will be HIS land"! (Then He changed and begun to speak in first person - as if He and God Where the same - I was then, shaking) "Israel is my special property, my house and my yard - in your terms!' "It has been robbed from my people that were my special possession!!" "It has shrunk, and the rebels are desecrating the Holy Grounds of the Lord because the land has been portioned out!" "The covenant was broken, and my land, the Father's land, was divided out of fairness to rebels and out of false peace!"
"The Father requested that the nation of America be His also, as it was created to protect and defend my land and the Jew!" "For a period, I had made England, a tiny nation very great, very powerful, but it too compromised." "I took the power from it"! "The Father removed Favor from the land and the land shrunk!" "This election, has forced my own children to compromise on either side!" "There is NO right way"! "Have the candidates not been pre-selected for a time as this??"
Me: "Hayah, what is anyone to do then?"
He said, "Do what you must according to what you have decided and believe!" "It matters not in the great scheme!" "All is in place" "All elections have been decided"! "Does my Father not know all things in advance?" "Does HE not know "This or That" for His own purposes?"
Me: "Hayah, you seem so different now; I pray I have not angered you by my ignorance and fear?"
He said...with comforting eyes and voice, "No, your questions are on the hearts of the multitudes!" "Take courage" "Remember that the Father is in complete control"! "There will be arguments amongst the brethren and further divisions as America is portioned out just like Israel was portioned out." "Was this not foretold in the word?" "The world will look in horror at this once great nation!" "As once was its Mother Land, who originally gave birth to it!" "Watch Israel in the midst of the storm!" "The prophecies are being fulfilled, pray for her and you will be blessed!" "Pray for families, ready and equip your own households - the hour is nigh!" "Further, Do not be afraid, Take courage"! "In Joshua, is it not repeated by the Father, over and over because others in history have faced the same matters?" "Remember, you were all appointed for this special time!" "Pray and encourage on another!" "Shine like lights!" "Allow me to carry you"! "Do not be afraid you will not suffer shame!" "Do not be dismayed, you who are afflicted, I use others to show kindness to you" "I still continue to search and call to those I can give tender mercies to, even in this late hour!" "Those who chose not to help my afflicted children will be wiped from memory! Those who choose to show kindness, even the smallest portion, I will cover them during the storms!" "Lastly, lines have been drawn." "In the midst of this storm, cry out to me, I will answer in ways you never thought possible! Miraculous ways!" "You will not suffer harm!" "All of you take cover under my Wings!" "Pray and do not cease!" "These prayers are more important than you know!! I love you! I love all of you!!”
Me: "I love you too!" ...crying... the angel led me to the portal. The angel then said, these words, "Meditate on these for understanding in this time, there are many more, but these will be special: Joel, Hosea, Zechariah, Psalm 83, Psalm 45, Psalm 78, Psalm 34, Psalm 23. Re-read Psalm 45 twice, and find joy! Love is coming down!"