November 28, 2012. Around 11 pm on that day, God showed me a bit more about Exodus 26 and Jeremiah 13.
Exodus 26 which is about the tabernacle and Jeremiah 13 regarding the Belts.
In that time, I was speechless and asked the Father what was intended with these words. Then, God showed me - Exodus 25:8.
In accordance with the wisdom and grace of God, all I caught of this, is:
1. Tabernacle is related with the word "altar" where we have to have a sanctuary, a place to be able to communicate with God, to offer something to God.
See Exodus 25:8 God shows that: "And let them make me a sanctuary; that I may dwell among them."
This is in accordance with the understanding of the word "sanctuary" which means altar or holiness. At the time the Lord called Moses to lead the people of Israel into the promised land, Exodus 3:4-6.
Verse 5 says: "And He said: Draw not nigh hither: put off thy shoes from off thy feet, for the place whereon thou standest is holy ground". During that time also, God told Moses to put off his shoes because the place where God is present is holy.
As we know in the Old Testament, the altar was in the most holy place, where only the high priest could enter into the most holy place to communicate with the LORD through offerings.
However, because of God's grace toward us through the obedience of His only son, Yahushuah Hamasiakh, when the power of the resurrection occurred, the temple was torn in half to fulfill all the laws of the the old testament. Thus, we can feel free to enter into His presence. And the altar is ourselves. 1 Corinthians 6:19 says: "What? Know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?"
Guys, He would never ever live in us if we were not considered worthy to Him. Think for a moment, He who is a great God, Holy Creator of all the Universe, King of all Kings. Do we deserve to give a space in our hearts that is filled with sin? Of course not! We must give our whole lives - offer our lives and walk in holiness - walk in His words, so that He can come into and live in our hearts.
2. Then, the second is a belt. Jeremiah 13 says, "For as the girdle cleaveth to the loins of a man, so have I caused to cleave unto me the whole house of Israel and the whole house of Judah, saith the LORD; that they might be unto me for a people, and for a name, and for a praise, and for a glory: but they would not hear."
-- "For as the girdle cleaveth to the loins of a man, so have I caused to cleave unto me the whole house of Israel and the whole house of Judah.."
Israel were the chosen people of the LORD from the beginning. But, because they were always grieving the heart of God, they were not walking according to the laws of God. It said at the end of the verse: ".. they would not hear".
However, by the grace of God, we have become His sons and become a people of Israel-Jewish outwardly. Romans 2:28-29 says, "For he is not a Jew, which is one outwardly; neither is that circumcision, which is outward in the flesh. But he is a Jew, which is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter; whose praise is not of men, but of God."
-- "For as the girdle cleaveth to the loins of a man, so have I caused to cleave unto me.. that they might be unto me for a people, and for a name, and for a praise, and for a glory.."
Belts refer to chastening. And by the words of the Lord clearly states that "As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent."
When He is chastening us, that means He is sharpening us to be great ones as His children. (Hebrews 12: 5-6). You know what, any grindstone in every process of our lives, is the Father wanting to make us like pure gold, which has gone through a very long process of smelting, burning, melted in the heat of the fire that is multiplied exponentially. That's what we call the "cross". Our flesh have to burned to the ground, must be crushed. Because we can not enter the Kingdom of our God if we are still walking in the flesh or have something that smells "worldly". Take care of it!
-- " have I caused to cleave unto me..". Cleave means to be devoted; stick by; or hang on; etc. The meaning is not far from the word "intimacy". Intimacy with the Father is just like we have a constant connection with Him, we can do anything in line, in rhythm, in agreement with what the LORD wants us to do.
So guys, be grateful, do not ever complain of anything because whatever God does in our lives, it always brings a heavenly peace. He wants us to stick with Himself, to keep yearning for sacredness & holiness, has a heart that really wants to be rebuked and chastened by our Father.
There is nothing that can be enjoyed more apart from having a heart that is embedded in the Father's because He is the only source of our lives.
Shalom. Father YHWH bless you.
By His grace, Gratia.
November 28, 2012
Sekitar jam 11 malam pada hari itu, saya ditaruhkan Tuhan mengenai Keluaran 26 dan Yeremia 13.
Keluaran 26 mengenai Kemah Suci. Sedangkan Yeremia 13 mengenai Ikat Pinggang.
Saya terdiam dan bertanya kepada Bapa apa yang dimaksudkan dari kedua firman ini. Lalu, Tuhan menunjukkan Keluaran 25:8.
Sesuai dengan hikmat dan anugerah Tuhan, yang aku tangkap dari semua ini adalah
1. Kemah suci itu berkaitan dengan kata "mezbah" dimana kita harus memiliki tempat kudus untuk dapat berkomunikasi dengan Tuhan, mempersembahkan sesuatu untuk Tuhan.
Lihat Keluaran 25:8 yang Tuhan tunjukkan bahwa : "And let them make Me a sanctuary; that I may dwell among them."
Dan sesuai dengan pengertian dari kata "sanctuary" yang artinya altar atau tempat kudus. Pada saat Tuhan menangkap Musa untuk bisa menjadi alatNya, Keluaran 3:4-6.
Perhatikan ayat ke 5: "And He said: Draw not nigh hither: put off thy shoes from off thy feet, for place whereon thou standest is holy ground". Disaat itu pun, Tuhan menyuruh melepaskan kasut Musa karena tempat dimana Tuhan hadir adalah kudus.
Seperti yang kita ketahui bahwa dalam perjanjian lama, altar berada di ruang maha kudus, dimana hanya seorang Imam saja yang dapat masuk ke ruang maha kudus untuk berkomunikasi dengan Tuhan lewat mempersembahkan korban persembahan.
Tetapi, oleh karena kasih karunia Bapa terhadap kita melalui ketaatan dari anak-Nya, Yahushuah Hamasiakh, ketika kuasa kebangkitanNya terjadi, Bait Suci terbelah menjadi 2 untuk menggenapi semua hukum dari semua perjanjian lama. Sehingga, kita bisa feel free untuk masuk ke hadiratNya. Dan mezbah itu adalah diri kita sendiri. 1 Korintus 6:19
"What? Know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?"
2. Kemudian, yang kedua adalah ikat pinggang. Yeremia 13 mengatakan "Sebab seperti ikat pinggang seseorang, demikianlah tadinya segenap kaum Isarel dan segenap kaum Yehuda Ku lekatkan kepadaKu, demikianlah firman Tuhan, supaya mereka itu menjadi umat, menjadi ternama, terpuji, dan terhormat bagi-Ku. Tetapi mereka tidak mau mendengar."
-- "Sebab seperti ikat pinggang seseorang, demikianlah tadinya segenap kaum Israel dan segenap kaum Yehuda Ku lekatkan kepadaKu.."
Bangsa Israel adalah umat pilihan Tuhan dari semula. Tapi, karena tindakan mereka yang selalu mendukakan hati Tuhan, tidak melakukan apa yang menjadi ketetapan dan hukum Tuhan. Dikatakan pada bagian akhir ayat itu: "..mereka tidak mau mendengar".
Namun, karena kasih karunia Tuhan, maka kita yang telah dilayakkan menjadi anakNya atau bangsa Israel-Yahudi secara lahiriah. Roma 2:28-29 mengatakan "Sebab yang disebut Yahudi bukanlah orang yang lahiriah Yahudi.. Tetapi orang Yahudi sejati ialah dia yang tidak nampak keyahudiannya.., secara rohani, bukanlah secara hurufiah.."
-- "Sebab seperti ikat pinggang seseorang, ... Ku lekatkan kepadaKu, ..supaya mereka itu menjadi umat, menjadi ternama, terpuji, dan terhormat bagi-Ku.. "
Ikat pinggang cenderung dengan hajaran. Dan dengan jelas firman Tuhan mengatakan bahwa:"Barangsiapa yang Ku kasihi, ia Kutegor dan Kuhajar; sebab itu relakanlah hatimu dan bertobatlah!". Ketika Dia menghajar kita, itu berarti Dia sedang mengasah kita yang Dia akui sebagai anak. (Ibrani 12: 5-6). Percayalah setiap asahan di setiap proses hidup kita, Bapa menjadikan kita seperti emas yang murni, yang telah melewati proses peleburan yang sangat panjang, dibakar, dileburkan dalam api yang berlipat kali ganda.
-- ".Ku lekatkan kepadaKu..". Kata melekat tidak akan jauh dari kata "keintiman". Keintiman dengan Bapa adalah jika seseorang bisa memiliki constant connection dengan Bapa, dia bisa melakukan apapun sederap, seirama, sepakat dengan apa yang Tuhan mau untuk Dia kerjakan.
Jadi saudara, bersyukurlah senantiasa, jangan pernah mengeluh karena apapun yang Tuhan lakukan selalu mendatangkan rancangan yang damai sejahtera dalam hidup kita. Dia mau melekatkan kita dengan diriNya untuk menjadi umat, menjadi yang ternama, terpuji, dan bahkan terhormat bagi Dia, dengan tetap berjalan pada kekudusannya, memiliki hati yang benar-benar mau untuk dihajar dan dididik oleh Bapa.
Tidak ada yang lebih yang bisa dinikmati selain memiliki hati yang melekat dengan Bapa karena Dia adalah sumber kehidupan kita.
Shalom. Bapa YHWH memberkati.
By His grace, Gratia.
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