Sunday, 16 December 2012

Sweetest Harvest

Sabtu, 15 Desember 2012 - Sekitar jam 10.20, aku mengikuti Doa Untuk Generasi Muda. Ada 2 hal yang Tuhan sampaikan malam itu:

  1. Yang pertama aku melihat suatu ladang yang sudah hampir menguning. Kemudian Tuhan mulai berbicara: "Saatnya menuai! Saatnya menuai! Saatnya menuai! Ladang sudah menguning, nak! Akan Ku berikan kasut kerelaan kepada engkau. Tetaplah taat dan setia! Pastikan buah-buah rohKu lengkap ada pada kalian. Jangan serupa dengan dunia, pisahkan diri kalian dengan dunia karena kalian bukan berasal daripada dunia. Kalian berasal dariKu."
  2. Yang kedua aku melihat Singa Yehuda (Lion of Judah) itu tepat berada ditengah-tengah Indonesia dan kata Tuhan "Jika tiba saatnya Aku mengaum, hanya anak-anakKu yang mengenal suara induknya dan waktunya sudah hampir sampai, nak!"
Saudara, dengan anugerah yang Tuhan limpahkan, aku mau mengingatkan kepada kalian khususnya anak-anak muda. Tolong lihatlah seberapa sementara kalian berada didunia dan pikirkan betapa kekekalan itu nyata. Jangan memikirkan hal yang hanya sementara, kata Paulus. Dia dipakai Tuhan luar biasa dari latar belakangnya yang sangat buruk. Katanya: walaupun manusia dagingku semakin merosot, tapi aku tahu kemuliaan yang aku akan terima lebih dari semua penderitaan ini. Mulailah belajar pisahkan diri dengan dunia, bukan berarti kalian tidak lagi bergaul dengan yang lain. Tapi, janganlah mengikuti aliran dunia. Jadilah berbeda sebagaimana kalian mau disebut sebagai anak-anak Terang.

Kalian akan mendapatkan suatu kebanggaan tersendiri bagaimana mengikuti Tuhan walaupun semua kedagingan kita diremukkan, tapi kita tahu bahwa Tuhan yang kita sembah itu adalah Tuhan yang hidup. Dia mati dan bangkit hanya untuk berikan kita keselamatan, kita tidak hanya sekedar percaya tapi lakukan apa yang Dia mau, ambil bagian dari penderitaanNya setiap hari. Sekarang kita berada pada masa pemurnian, dimana kambing akan dipisahkan dengan domba dan lalang akan dipisahkan dengan gandum. Begitu pula dengan kedagingan kita, kita tidak bisa melangkah masuk ke KerajaanNya yang kudus itu kalau dalam kita masih didapati kedagingan karena Tuhan sendiri bilang: "Tidak ada darah dan daging yang boleh masuk ke KerajaanKu". Tidak ada! Semuanya harus sempurna, seperti Dia yang adalah sempurna.


Shalom Aleichem, Yahushua Hamasiakh memberkati.
By His grace, Gratia.

Tuesday, 11 December 2012

December 11, 2012 - The Bride

This morning around 9am, the Lord showed me some of the accessories worn by a bride:
  1. White linen robe
  2. Crown
  3. Sword
Each one of them has a different sense.
  1. The first: White Robe. White robe was given to a loved one, which symbolizes holiness and intimacy with God.
  2. The second: Crown. Bride crown was given to someone who has the authority and reverence of God to reign together with Him.
  3. The third: Sword. The Lord said: "My bride is not just to look upon the beautiful views, but the bride should know how to war with the authority and wisdom, My bride have to reign and conquer every enemy strongholds that exist."
"My heart is hurt for My people who I chose from the beginning, who have betrayed me. Did you not feel what I feel, My beloved? But above all that, now you're the nation of Israel that has been born through My spirit, MINE, a royal priesthood that I chose. Stay with Me! I have just you, you're worth it in My eyes, beloved! Get ready!"

While God said all of His Word, I cried because I saw Him crying and when He speaks, I saw He covered us with the protection of His own hands.

1 Peter 2:9-10
"But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of Him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light: Which in time past were not a people, but are now the people of God: which had not obtained mercy, but now have obtained mercy"

December 1, 2012 - White Robes

That night, I saw the Lord was showing His hands and said "My beloved, it will not take much longer when the nail wounds in My hands and feet will disappear. This is what I was waiting for. The nail wounds will be disappear when My bride comes into the Kingdom. And yes, the day is closer than you think"

Then, I saw the gold belt of one who is standing in the clouds. Then my vision started to widen, which I see is not just one but thousands and thousands of people who are standing and they were just looking down to earth. They were dressed in white robes, with gold belts and wearing complete armor. 

I knew that they are the Angels of the LORD ready to come pick us up for the rapture.
Be ready! Our King is coming.

Monday, 10 December 2012

November 30, 2012 - Day of Judgement


That afternoon I saw I was standing behind someone who is very great and sparkling. I knew it was the Lord, He was sitting and there was a table in front of Him and so many people (I can not count) were lined up in court. Shortly after court, there were people who went to the left and right. I do not quite know where they went.

But, one thing God Yahushuah conveyed. He said "Yes, beloved. The day will come, Judgment Day. The day is getting very close now. Prepare yourself. Do not occasionally serve two masters. I am the Lord and Master, who is very jealous.  As the people of Israel were always grieving My heart, they worshipped Baal; but you are the people of Israel who were born of My own in My spirit-you should not be double-minded!"

Matthew 7:21-23. "Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the Kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you; depart from me, ye that work iniquity."

James 1:8 "A double minded man is unstable in all his ways."

Saturday, 8 December 2012

Intimacy with The Most High (English - Indonesian)

November 28, 2012. Around 11 pm on that day, God showed me a bit more about Exodus 26 and Jeremiah 13.
Exodus 26 which is about the tabernacle and Jeremiah 13 regarding the Belts.
In that time, I was speechless and asked the Father what was intended with these words. Then, God showed me - Exodus 25:8.

In accordance with the wisdom and grace of God, all I caught of this, is:

1. Tabernacle is related with the word "altar" where we have to have a sanctuary, a place to be able to communicate with God, to offer something to God.

See Exodus 25:8 God shows that: "And let them make me a sanctuary; that I may dwell among them."
This is in accordance with the understanding of the word "sanctuary" which means altar or holiness. At the time the Lord called Moses to lead the people of Israel into the promised land, Exodus 3:4-6.
Verse 5 says: "And He said: Draw not nigh hither: put off thy shoes from off thy feet, for the place whereon thou standest is holy ground". During that time also, God told Moses to put off his shoes because the place where God is present is holy.

As we know in the Old Testament, the altar was in the most holy place, where only the high priest could enter into the most holy place to communicate with the LORD through offerings.

However, because of God's grace toward us through the obedience of His only son, Yahushuah Hamasiakh, when the power of the resurrection occurred, the temple was torn in half to fulfill all the laws of the the old testament. Thus, we can feel free to enter into His presence. And the altar is ourselves. 1 Corinthians 6:19 says: "What? Know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in youwhich ye have of God, and ye are not your own?"

Guys, He would never ever live in us if we were not considered worthy to Him. Think for a moment, He who is a great God, Holy Creator of all the Universe, King of all Kings. Do we deserve to give a space in our hearts that is filled with sin? Of course not! We must give our whole lives - offer our lives and walk in holiness - walk in His words, so that He can come into and live in our hearts.

2. Then, the second is a belt. Jeremiah 13 says, "For as the girdle cleaveth to the loins of a man, so have I caused to cleave unto me the whole house of Israel and the whole house of Judah, saith the LORD; that they might be unto me for a people, and for a name, and for a praise, and for a glory: but they would not hear."

-- "For as the girdle cleaveth to the loins of a man, so have I caused to cleave unto me the whole house of Israel and the whole house of Judah.."
Israel were the chosen people of the LORD from the beginning. But, because they were always grieving the heart of God, they were not walking according to the laws of God. It said at the end of the verse: ".. they would not hear".
However, by the grace of God, we have become His sons and become a people of Israel-Jewish outwardly. Romans 2:28-29 says, "For he is not a Jew, which is one outwardly; neither is that circumcision, which is outward in the flesh. But he is a Jew, which is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter; whose praise is not of men, but of God."

-- "For as the girdle cleaveth to the loins of a man, so have I caused to cleave unto me.. that they might be unto me for a people, and for a name, and for a praise, and for a glory.."

Belts refer to chastening. And by the words of the Lord clearly states that "As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent."

When He is chastening us, that means He is sharpening us to be great ones as His children. (Hebrews 12: 5-6). You know what, any grindstone in every process of our lives, is the Father wanting to make us like pure gold, which has gone through a very long process of smelting, burning, melted in the heat of the fire that is multiplied exponentially. That's what we call the "cross". Our flesh have to burned to the ground, must be crushed. Because we can not enter the Kingdom of our God if we are still walking in the flesh or have something that smells "worldly". Take care of it!

-- " have I caused to cleave unto me..". Cleave means to be devoted; stick by; or hang on; etc. The meaning is not far from the word "intimacy". Intimacy with the Father is just like we have a constant connection with Him, we can do anything in line, in rhythm, in agreement with what the LORD wants us to do.

So guys, be grateful, do not ever complain of anything because whatever God does in our lives, it always brings a heavenly peace. He wants us to stick with Himself, to keep yearning for sacredness & holiness, has a heart that really wants to be rebuked and chastened by our Father.

There is nothing that can be enjoyed more apart from having a heart that is embedded in the Father's because He is the only source of our lives.

Shalom. Father YHWH bless you.
By His grace, Gratia.

Saturday, 1 December 2012

November 18, 2012 - Get Ready

Today in the afternoon, suddenly I saw some visions:
  1. Bread and Wine. And I heard the Spirit of God says: "Eat and drink ye all of it! Blood of the new testament to bind thee with Me in fellowship and my body which is my characters and my words.."
  2. Table Judgement. The Spirit of God says, "Everything will be measured, My beloved. Everybody. When they give witness to all that they did during the time they were living on earth, My fire sword is about to burn it all. If they produce nothing they do not deserve to go to My kingdom. However, if they produce pure gold, they deserve to experience eternity with Me.."
  3. Dragon and Snake. Then, the spirit of God said, "My beloved, they were competing to drop My church.."
  4. Cows, bulls, goats, sheep, and all the fields will experience a drought. The Spirit of God said, "There will be a time of famine that hit all lands.."
"I will come soon, My beloved. Soon. Are you ready now?"
And I was just like speechless. And He said again "Get ready now. The day will be so dark, son. Dark!"

Joel 1:4, John 15:6, Matthew 6, Malachi 4.

November 15, 2012 - The Darkness

Shortly after I finished praying at night and was about to go to rest at 11.30 p.m., I heard the voice calling "Gratia.. Gratia.. Gratia .."
And during that time, I felt my spirit lifted to a very dark place with a body position like a baby in the womb.
I was so scared but the Spirit of God says "Do not come out until I say 'get out'." Then, I saw cars colliding everywhere, hand-foot-body-even the heads of people lying on the streets and in bins.

A few moments later, the Lord said, "This is what I mean "darkness". This is the end of the period of purification. But, according to My grace, my people would not be afraid to be in the grave for 3 days. It will be well with their souls. And shortly after this, I will come.. Turn not from it to the right hand or to the left for I am with you! "

Friday, 30 November 2012

Remove All Limitations. Ready to the next level

These last few days, God gave me the revelation about  "Do not ever limit God's power."

News of the coming of the Lord is sounding everywhere. 
When people are so busy and indecisive. "Lord, will I be included with the people in the rapture? What about my family and the people I care about?"
But, the Lord even asks: Why are you so busy thinking about things like that?

The Word of God says that all things were made only through Him, by Him, and for Him.  All power must be of Him and all of it based on LOVE.
Now,  what should we do?

1. Do not ever think about what your soul thinks of. Think about your responsibilities. Grow in love in everything in your life and give it as an offering (Ephesians 5: 2 "And walk in love, as Christ also hath loved us, and hath given Himself for us an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweets-smelling fragrance"). And Just like Romans 12:1 and 3 say "1) That ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God .. 3) According to the grace given to me, I said every one of you: Do not think of things higher than you think worthy, .. "

But, keep working out your salvation with fear and trembling as  what Philippians 2:12 says
"12) So then, my beloved, even as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling."

2. Take your armor and fight! 2 Corinthians 10:3-4 say "3) For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh (for the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but mighty before God to the casting down of strongholds)."

And it means your faith must play a role there. For where there is spirit, there must be faith.
Do not think: we are still in the world, which means we are still living in the flesh, we will never be able to join the standard of God because God's standard is higher than us.

Hey! He has set us free from the shackles that bind us. Because of His blood, we became His sons and daughters. And we have been given His power. (John 1:12-13), 12) But as many as received Him, to them He gave His power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His name. 13) Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God."

The Spirit of God has freed us. He is the father of the Spirit (Hebrews 12:9). Father's children were born in the spirit not in the flesh. So, we must be able to do everything for the Bible says "I can do all thing through Jesus Christ who strengthens me", including follow His standards because our spirit is greater than that existing in the world. You know, there's no flesh and blood that will tread the golden city, the new Jerusalem.

Change the way you think!
Do not limit God's power to work more powerful ahead of the coming of our King. Let our hearts focus on Him, do everything in according to His love so that the world can see the real glory of the Father's sons who have been born again in spirit rather than flesh and blood.

We are the unstoppable! 

October 8, 2012 - Be Faithful and Obey

I saw the sea rising and hit all fisherman, children who were playing suddenly lifted, the husband and wife separated, the people who were still minors who have committed adultery shocked and looked the same as when Adam and Eve committed the first sin in that time and they felt that they themselves were naked.

Then the Lord said: "My child, the time is not long anymore. No need to worry about anything..."
And shortly after that, I saw a beautiful sight: the garden lilies. Then said the Lord: "Behold these lilies, birds flying. It is I who care for them, let alone you. Just relax, keep doing My will.  Read the Book of John about what foods you should eat. John 15:22-25, Ecclesiastes 3:7 b, Job 6 ( : 24), 1 Peter 5:7, Proverbs 13, Revelation 14:6-8, Acts 6. The Holy Spirit will guide you. Be faithful and Obey!"

Thursday, 29 November 2012

November 11, 2012 - Blog and Time

Today, around 2 p.m. I fell asleep. I felt dizzy and had a headache because of the weather. And when I woke up, I felt very bad. My headache was getting worse. I started wondering if it was because of the weather or something that I did to God and perhaps disobeyed Him. I didn't know. Then, something whispered to me: 'Pray, Gratia! Bring it (your sickness) to the Holy Place. You don't need a glass of hot tea to make you better. When you come to God, you will receive the healing water.'  So, I prayed, sang songs. I didn't know why but I cried and got down on my knees, saying 'Hineni, Lord' (in Hebrew, it means 'Here I am, Lord'). 

When I had finished, the Holy Spirit asked me to read Jeremiah 16:3-5. I really didn't know what it meant, so I asked the Lord. And all things that I never heard before got directly poured out from the mouth of the Father to me.

First, I saw "one eye" in pyramids, 666, and the name of our God: "YHWH" that was passing by some guys who were wearing black hoods. They were walking and kicking people in the street including a young woman that I saw. Father said ‘Beloved, they are the anti-Christ that will exist in the great Tribulation.’

Second, there were people who were standing in queues and people in the first row were killed by a big guy. He was cutting all their heads and so on. Father said ‘Beloved, they are the people who were left behind after the rapture but were still putting their faith in Me. They wouldn't receive the number.'

Third, I saw a big door, then that door was opened and there was shiny gold and money in that room. But, people who got there were screaming and falling into the hole of fire. Father said 'Beloved, they were the rich ones on the earth and they were deceived by the shiny gold and money.'

Fourth, I saw an old man who was standing in a terminal, waiting for a bus or something like that. But, suddenly there was a gang walking around there near the old man, and said 'come with us, we will save you but one thing, you have to receive this sign (number 666)' and the old man replied 'I used to be non-Christian but I know their God is alive. I don't want to receive that. Get away from me!'  Then, after that they kicked him, tied him, and skinned the old man's body.

Then Father said ‘For I am telling you, the time won't be long. Please tell the people to repent! Because the number is much smaller than all people who called themselves "Christian" or "My bride" will be raised at that day. Please repent! My beloved, My beloved, My beloved, please share! Use all the alternative ways to tell the people. Tell Talitha, you can use her website like she told you before. Tell your group, tell your relatives, friends, and everyone...The time will come sooner than My people think.’

At the same time, I saw The Lord was standing in front of the gate and holding a big key. I asked the Lord 'Father, what is it?'  The Lord replied 'This is the key of wisdom, My beloved. Take this! So everything that you'll receive from Me, you will understand and My Spirit will lead you…Shalom'

*Talitha is a friend I met through the Worldprayr Ministry.

Wednesday, 28 November 2012

November 3, 2012 - Heart and Sceptre

When I was fasting and started to pray in my room, I suddenly saw a heart and a sceptre. I was about to ask, "Lord, what is this?"
The Lord said, "Take it. Take it, My Beloved. This is My heart. I know you. Accept this, For I am yours and you are Mine. Accept this sceptre and come reign with Me and fight together with Me."

Then a few minutes later, I saw glowing red roses shining bright. The Lord said: "This is Our wedding flowers. I'm ready to pick up My Bride and share the supper with you at My table.."

My friends, the day is getting near. He is coming. Our King is coming. Prepare ye the way! Make sure your oil in your vessel is enough to welcome The Holy Bride. - Matthew 25:1-13.

November 1, 2012: Super Sandy

While the news broke of the disaster that hit most countries in the Americas or the so-called Super Sandy,
The Lord said: ".. Look It's really happening, Americans have got what they deserve. I will not repeat the delay. My grace is sufficient. I am telling you, stay a second time and it will all end. "

God's promise in early November is Psalm 84:7. When any disaster strikes the land of the people who are really looking toward Him, He will deliver us.


Greetings in His name.

As an introduction to my blog, I am going to telling you a bit about myself.

I was born again in May 29th, 2009. But, previously, I received the baptism of the Holy Spirit at the time I started grade 1 in junior high school, 2006. Initially when I was born again, there was nothing special to be said. However, as time went by, I began to surrender my whole life to Him, my Lord and my King. With a heart that really wanted to be purified, the end result is not because of my own strength.  

God began to reveal some of the secrets of the heavenly truth that I never knew before, with spiritual gifts that was given to me. Then, as I clung to the cross, that is the result of where I am today. Being hated, cursed, insulted even by those closest to me, it makes me all the more dependent on Him who loves me. My hope, my future and life, I dedicate everything to Him, my King.

And with His grace, God began to open the eyes of my heart to the world so that with the unity of the church and the heart of every child of God as well, I flow with the wave movement of God that is so powerful. Love never fails.

Nevertheless, this blog is not all about the End Times, but anything that God conveys to me personally. This might be one of millions blog talking about how good and faithful God is through everything that they experienced. But, I believe one thing that in the meantime - when we are waiting for Him to come and fetch us in our imperfection and make us worthy to be His own, hopefully we can be like what Paul stressed to Corinthian church that once the commitment is clear, we do what we can, not what we can't. The heart regulates the hands. This isn't so others can take it easy while you sweat it out. No, but we're shoulder to shoulder with each other all the way, our surplus matching with other deficit and others surplus matching our deficit. In the end, we come out even as it is written:
Nothing left over to the one with the most,
Nothing lacking to the one with the least.

I believe we are all the delegates, a real credit of Christ. We still have to show the world what we are made of, the love.. let them see it for themselves and all the glory and honor we give to our Master.

By His grace, Gratia.