My Dear Bride,
For if My people which are called by My name shall humble
themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their
wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven and forgive their sin
and will heal their land.
Rise up, My beloveds! Rise up for Me in this time. I am calling a three
day Fast- an Esther Fast-NO FOOD OR WATER FOR THREE DAYS, from March 18th
March 20th, 2013. As you know, My enemy enters into My Holy Land
and there is so much planned that I HAVE NOT ORDAINED. Please, especially
My 144,000 WARRIORS, get on your faces! Put on sackcloth and ashes,
abase yourselves and seek Us ~your Yahuwah, Yahushua, and the Ruach HaKodesh.
Cry out and wail for the earth and especially for My Israel and Our jewel,
Present yours bodies as a living sacrifice, holy acceptable
unto Me, which is your reasonable service. And be not
conformed to this world but be ye transformed by the renewing
of your mind, that ye may prove what that is good and acceptable
and the Perfect Will of God~of Me Beloveds.
Do you not see prophecy being fulfilled before your very eyes? Have you not seen
the Conclave in Rome...and the new Pope forthcoming? Do you think this is all a
coincidence? Do you not see and hear, My Bride? Please understand that the
Revelation of these end-times is unfolding before you! Seek Me, My Son Yahushua,
and Our Ruach HaKodesh March 18, 2013. Call out for Our spirit of intercession
and repentance for the earth and for all the lost~to come upon you! Pray in the
spirit and allow Us to work through your vessels, beloveds.
My dear ones... Why did King Jehoshaphat and The King of Nineveh and Ezra and Esther
and many other Saints, including your Lord and Savior Yahushua, fast and call their
people to fast? It was to change MY heart and allow Me to repent from
the judgments that had been set in Heaven. In many cases, fasting changed the course of
human history and saved whole nations. REND YOUR HEARTS BEFORE US, BELOVED ... PLEASE‼
Prayer, Fasting and Consecration with Us in repentance and intercession is the
Highest Form of Spiritual Warfare My Bride can engage in. I have been long suffering
and very merciful for A LONG TIME. My mercy is now very short and running out;
I will not stand for such abominations and sin on this earth much longer.
I have had ENOUGH! I am extremely sad and angry at what has become of My precious earth.
Please Beloveds, Come... Please Beloveds, Come... Please Beloveds, Come.
Yahushua, your Messiah, Comes.
Precious ones...Bride of the earth...
I Bless you and Love you,
Your Beloved Abba, Father, YHWH, Jehovah Nissi, God יהוה
Please read and meditate in My Word. Thank you.
Joel 2-3, Ps. 122, Ps. 35:13, Ps.69:10, Jer. 51, Rev. 13-14, Rev. 17-19,
II Chron. 7:14- 16, II Chron. 20, Rom.9-12, the Book of Daniel, Matt. 11-13,
Matt. 17-18, Mark 9,Luke 10, Luke 21, John 13-17, Gal. 3,
Eph. 3-6, II Thess. 2, I Peter 2, I John 4-5, Esther 4, Is. 58:5-6, Nehemiah 9,
Ez. 6-8, Ez. 40-41, Zech. 2-10, Ezekiel 36-39,the Book of Jonah, Lamentations,
Nahum , Zephaniah, Haggai, and Hosea, Psalm 91, Psalm 83, Rev 16
(Received via Email)
Ahmein! Baroch HaShem HaMachiach Yeshua
ReplyDeletePlease join with us in the 3days fasting of Esther. Let Father YHWH fulfills your vessel with His living water. Shalom.