Wednesday, 23 September 2015

Uncertainty of Dating

September 22, 2015. Paul Maxwell.

When couples move past the awkward first-date phase of a relationship, many face a new and unsettling tension between strong romantic feelings and the reality that they are not yet married. They ask themselves, “What does a relationship look like with someone who is neither my spouse nor my fiancĂ©?” How does one practice vulnerability without any security, any promises, any covenant? How does one react to anxiety in the relationship without always becoming defensive?
How does one move forward in the uncertainty of dating in a right and good way without becoming a nervous wreck? The forward march of the heart in dating is like walking a tightrope — all daters perform, and dating feels de facto not by grace. Each of us are left with a basic question: how does the grace of Christ meet us in the midst of emotionally charged, often over-spiritualized, life-encompassing performance anxiety?

The Cause of Uncertainty

First, we must try to understand the anxiety of the uncertain. Why does exclusive dating so often leave us undone? The answer is very clear: there are a lot of chips on the table and with blind odds. The risk in dating is never higher than when sharing intimate, vulnerable, breakable pieces of ourselves — in appropriate ways and at appropriate time — without any certainty this will lead to marriage. We’re betting a portion of our heart, without knowing how they will respond. It can be terrifying.
More than that, when sinful people are put in a place of danger, they’re more prone to play God. We are most prone to try and seize control of the situation — of hearts, of circumstances, or of emotions, all in self-defensive ways that are tragically self-defeating. “I would rather eat “the bread of anxious toil” (Psalm 127:2) than trust the Lord is holding and guiding me. We feel like we have control over the outcome. In self-perpetuating irony, magnifying all of the uncertainty and anxiety, we just end up multiplying our own pain and destroying the relationship.
Indulging in anxiety in a dating relationship is like indulging in back-seat driving: it only makes everyone else more nervous and annoyed, and doesn’t actually contribute anything positive. Yet, the experience is legitimate and real, and so is the fear. The cause of the feeling of uncertainty, to state the obvious and criticial, is that things are uncertain. God has made no promises. Circumstances are shifting shadows. To know how Jesus Christ is relevant to our situation in dating, we must first of all come to terms with the often avoided, but very obvious reality, that we are not safe in a relationship. Sinful humans, with all of our benefits, come with risks.

The Normality of Uncertainty

Affection and vulnerability with a lack of covenantal commitment is a tension that can end in a naturally explosive way — either in a breakup or marriage. The stakes are high on both sides, and the pressure and fear that invariably accompanies those stakes very likely will not be resolved in the dating process. Dating is an emotional complexity we were not intended to endure for long.
Understanding that anxiety is a proper reaction to the unsettled angst of an unfulfilled and covenantally unprotected relationship is the best starting place. We can say a dating relationship is protected and settled and safe, but it isn’t — no matter what dating philosophy one adheres to, the emotional escalation of dating leads either to a breakup or a marriage.

The Function of Uncertainty

There is only one honest thing to say when the weight of dating uncertainty weighs heavy: “We don’t know.” We must confess that, to the experience of besetting and anxious uncertainty in dating, there isn’t an answer or at least not a concrete and immediate answer. Maybe the whole point of dating — and the fact that Scripture says so little about it — is that we don’t know what we’re doing, we can’t do it well (alone), and it isn’t sustainable. If it made sense, or it was easy, or it wasn’t soul-splittingly uncomfortable, there would be no propulsion forward, towards marriage or otherwise. Uncertainty in dating propels us forward with purpose. It unsettles us. It shows us idols in our hearts. It makes us anxious. Uncertainty is the soil of the psalms (Psalm 38:17; Psalm 88:3).
Uncertainty dangles us from our ankles and reveals all of the unspoken (and often ungrounded) expectations hanging loose in the pockets of our faith:
“God, I know this person is the one.”
“I did everything right. Why isn’t this easier?”
“Are you punishing me for my sins in a previous relationship?”
“I thought you loved me. So why doesn’t he love me?”
“I was so sure that was your will and then it ended out of nowhere.”
You don’t need to pretend you haven’t thought those things — like you haven’t wanted to say those things to God, to other Christians — like you haven’t preached those things over and over again to your own heart. I have. The uncertainty of dating peels back the floorboards of our presumptuous theologies — our crystallized ideas about what God should be doing for us — and shines the light on all the threats beneath the otherwise comfortable world we live in: “Those who once feasted on delicacies perish in the streets” (Lamentations 4:5). Uncertainty creates urgency and sobriety.
The uncertainty of dating is a microcosm of the otherwise forgotten truth: life is uncertain. Even the notion that life beyond dating has no uncertainties — marriage, kids, family — is a delusion. The risks are higher, the vulnerability deeper, and the losses greater. In dating, disappointment exists in the form of breaking up. In marriage and parenting, the disappointments and pains can be much more devastating, and sometimes even permanent.

Grace for the Uncertain

We need not be uncertain about everything in dating, though. God is not inactive, distant, disinterested in our relationships: “Like an eagle that stirs up its nest, that flutters over its young, spreading out its wings, catching them, bearing them on its pinions” (Deuteronomy 32:11). The same God says, “He who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor from the Lord” (Proverbs 18:22) and, “He who did not spare his own Son but gave him up for us all, how will he not also with him graciously give us all things?” (Romans 8:32). Dating literature, for too long, has offered too many of the wrong guarantees, and too few of the relevant graces.
I once heard someone pray, “We pray against a closed sky.” It may be easy for some to feel ignored in the abyss of uncertainty. We also live in an open world and feel threatened. Many attempts to resolve this tension result in a self-pandering theology. We are tempted to earn and secure love by our own power, and tempted to test others’ worthiness for our love. And yet we have a God who passionately endorses marriage as the norm for people, and is actively seeking to bless us. The uncertainty of dating highlights for us the immanent possibility of blessing and tragedy. That tension was not meant to be immediately resolved. It is an unsustainable (but not purposeless) relationship-form in the long term, meant to lead you to depend on a heavenly Father who cares for you, and promises to provide for you, regardless of your relationship status or prospects.
But uncertainty is a mercy, if we’re prepared to receive it — it reveals to us the tensions of life itself, especially when we can’t sit still long enough to listen. At times, that may be too hard for us. Life in the midst of “We do not know” (John 14:5) and “You know” (Psalm 139:4) can, at times, feel like we’re fastened to a torture rack — pulled between a big God and real life.
Jesus Christ knows the anxious heart of the uncertain dating Christian (Proverbs 21:1). And he does not judge: “He will tend his flock like a shepherd; he will gather the lambs in his arms; he will carry them in his bosom, and gently lead those that are with young” (Isaiah 40:11).

What Shall We Say Then?

When we consider all of the various elements of how a person is born as a son of God, it is certainly an amazing gift that has been given to us by the work of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. What more could there possibly be?

Paul also recognized this amazing reality of having been saved by grace and born of God. He also asked, ‘What shall we say then? Are we to continue in sin that grace might increase?’ Of course, his answer was, ‘May it never be! How shall we who died to sin still live in it?’ Unless a person is baptized into the death of Christ, so that their natural inclination and propensity to sin is removed from their life, the seed of the divine nature will die and it will not produce the fruit of sonship.

This is the lesson of the parable of the sower. The seed of the divine nature will die within a person if they do not join the fellowship of Christ’s death by baptism, so that they can be raised by the Father to walk in newness of life. Jesus likened those who have received the benefits of Christ’s offering but do not want to participate in the fellowship of Christ’s death, as those who have received the word on stony ground. They rejoice for a little while in the life of God that they have received, but they stumble at the need to join the fellowship of the cross.

Rom 6:1-4 
What shall we say then? Are we to continue in sin so that grace may increase? (2) May it never be! How shall we who died to sin still live in it? (3) Or do you not know that all of us who have been baptized into Christ Jesus have been baptized into His death? (4) Therefore we have been buried with Him through baptism into death, so that as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, so we too might walk in newness of life.

Mat 13:20-21 
"The one on whom seed was sown on the rocky places, this is the man who hears the word and immediately receives it with joy; (21) yet he has no firm root in himself, but is only temporary, and when affliction or persecution arises because of the word, immediately he falls away."

Rom 7:7 
What shall we say then? Is the Law sin? May it never be! On the contrary, I would not have come to know sin except through the Law; for I would not have known about coveting if the Law had not said, "YOU SHALL NOT COVET."

Php 3:10 
That I may know Him and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death.

Monday, 21 September 2015

Born of the Spirit

The disciples were born of the Spirit when Jesus breathed His life upon them after His resurrection. On the day of His resurrection, we recall that Christ spoke with the women who visited the tomb and commissioned them as His first witnessess. He said, ‘Go to My brethren and say to them, “I ascend to My Father and your Father, to My God and your God”.’ Christ ascended to the Father and was then sent by Him to the disciples, so that the disciples could receive His life and become sons of God.

When Jesus stood among the disciples in the upper room, He breathed on them and said, ‘Receive the Holy Spirit’. There were two distinct actions here. Jesus breathed ‘His life’ upon His disciples. He then gave them the Person of the Holy Spirit. The disciples were born of the Spirit when the Father sent Christ to give His Spirit and life to them. It is for this reason that the apostle Paul calls Jesus the ‘life-giving Spirit’. This fulfilled the promise that Jesus had made to His disciples, ‘I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you … You will see Me; because I live, you will live also.’

The Father, Son and Holy Spirit all come and take up residence in the heart of a person who is in the process of being born of God. Jesus said to His disciples, ‘If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word; and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our home with him’. Further to this, Jesus said, ‘I will ask the Father and He will give you another Helper, that He may be with you forever’. The Father sends the Holy Spirit, through the Son, to dwell in each son of God as the essence of the New Covenant. The Holy Spirit is the guarantee of their eternal inheritance as sons of God.

Joh 20:17, 22 
(17) Jesus *said to her, "Stop clinging to Me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father; but go to My brethren and say to them, 'I ascend to My Father and your Father, and My God and your God.'"
(22) And when He had said this, He breathed on them and *said to them, "Receive the Holy Spirit."

1Co 15:45 
So also it is written, "The first MAN, Adam, BECAME A LIVING SOUL." The last Adam became a life-giving spirit.

Joh 14:16, 18-19, 23 
(16) "I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may be with you forever."
(18) "I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you. (19) After a little while the world will no longer see Me, but you will see Me; because I live, you will live also."
(23) Jesus answered and said to him, "If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word; and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our abode with him."

2Co 1:21-22 
Now He who establishes us with you in Christ and anointed us is God, (22) who also sealed us and gave us the Spirit in our hearts as a pledge.

Eph 1:13-14 
In Him, you also, after listening to the message of truth, the gospel of your salvation--having also believed, you were sealed in Him with the Holy Spirit of promise, (14) who is given as a pledge of our inheritance, with a view to the redemption of God's own possession, to the praise of His glory.

Act 1:4-5 
Gathering them together, He commanded them not to leave Jerusalem, but to wait for what the Father had promised, "Which," He said, "you heard of from Me; (5) for John baptized with water, but you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit not many days from now."

Act 2:4 
And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit was giving them utterance.

The Illumination of a Son of God

The first and most obvious evidence that a person has been born of God is illumination. This is not the same illumination they experienced when the word of the cross was first preached to them and the spirit of grace and supplication was poured out upon them. That initial illumination caused them to look upon Him whom they had pierced, mourn, and come to the Father seeking forgiveness. It led them to repentance. However, there is a further illumination that a person receives when the Father sends forth the Spirit of His Son into their hearts so that they are born as a son of God.

The illumination that comes to a newly born son of God is the understanding given to them by the Son of God when He gives them His life. John declared, ‘We know that the Son of God has come, and has given us understanding so that we may know Him who is true’. He is the true Light who has come into the world to enlighten every man. When the Son of God gives His life to a new believer, it gives them the ability to see, comprehend and apprehend the amazing reality of being a son of God. It causes their perspective on life to change completely. They begin to see in the way that a son of God sees things, and respond to the issues of life in the way that a son of God responds.

Great joy and enthusiasm are the outcome of the seed of God’s divine nature germinating within a person. The Light of life begins to dawn in their heart and they ‘exult in the hope of the glory of God’. They have been born of God and become a partaker of the divine nature. They have received the seed of new creation life as a personal possession, and new life has begun to be evident in their lives.

Gal 4:6 
Because you are sons, God has sent forth the Spirit of His Son into our hearts, crying, "Abba! Father!"

1Jn 5:20 And we know that the Son of God has come, and has given us understanding so that we may know Him who is true; and we are in Him who is true, in His Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God and eternal life.

Joh 1:9 There was the true Light which, coming into the world, enlightens every man.

Mat 13:20 "The one on whom seed was sown on the rocky places, this is the man who hears the word and immediately receives it with joy."

Rom 5:1-2, 11 (1) Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, (2) through whom also we have obtained our introduction by faith into this grace in which we stand; and we exult in hope of the glory of God.(11) And not only this, but we also exult in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have now received the reconciliation.

2Pe 1:4 For by these He has granted to us His precious and magnificent promises, so that by them you may become partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world by lust.

Zec 12:10 "I will pour out on the house of David and on the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the Spirit of grace and of supplication, so that they will look on Me whom they have pierced; and they will mourn for Him, as one mourns for an only son, and they will weep bitterly over Him like the bitter weeping over a firstborn."

2Co 7:9-11 I now rejoice, not that you were made sorrowful, but that you were made sorrowful to the point of repentance; for you were made sorrowful according to the will of God, so that you might not suffer loss in anything through us. (10) For the sorrow that is according to the will of God produces a repentance without regret, leading to salvation, but the sorrow of the world produces death. (11) For behold what earnestness this very thing, this godly sorrow, has produced in you: what vindication of yourselves, what indignation, what fear, what longing, what zeal, what avenging of wrong! In everything you demonstrated yourselves to be innocent in the matter.

Rev 1:7 BEHOLD, HE IS COMING WITH THE CLOUDS, and every eye will see Him, even those who pierced Him; and all the tribes of the earth will mourn over Him. So it is to be. Amen.

Joh 8:12 Then Jesus again spoke to them, saying, "I am the Light of the world; he who follows Me will not walk in the darkness, but will have the Light of life."

Friday, 18 September 2015

Born of Incorruptible Seed

When Jesus Christ comes to dwell in a person’s heart, they are born of the incorruptible seed of the divine nature. The life of the divine nature becomes their personal possession when Christ comes to them personally as a seed and takes up residence in them.The Spirit of the Son comes into their heart as the seed of His life. The apostle Peter declared, ‘You have been born again not of seed which is perishable but imperishable, that is, through the living and enduring word of God’.

Jesus Christ is the full revelation of the word and the life of the Father. He is both the Messenger of God and the embodiment of the message of God. When the Father sends the Son of God, who is the Word, into the hearts of men, the Son brings both life and understanding to those who receive Him.

We recall the words of John, ‘In Him was life, and the life was the Light of men’. In this regard, Christ is much more than a messenger who communicates a message. He embodies the message and He gives the substance of the message to those who receive Him as life! It is this life that enables those who receive Him to be born of incorruptible seed and receive illumination as sons of God.

What is the difference between the life of Christ in the seed, and the life of Christ in His blood? 
The seed is the life of Christ that has been given to a believer as their personal possession of the divine nature, as an individual son of God. 
The blood is the life of Christ that has been shed for their redemption and is given to them when they join the fellowship of His sufferings. A person only possesses the blood of Christ as part of a fellowship with Him and with others in the many-member body of Christ. It is the fellowship of His life.

1Pe 1:22-23 
Since you have in obedience to the truth purified your souls for a sincere love of the brethren, fervently love one another from the heart, (23) for you have been born again not of seed which is perishable but imperishable, that is, through the living and enduring word of God.

Joh 1:1-4 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. (2) He was in the beginning with God. (3) All things came into being through Him, and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being. (4) In Him was life, and the life was the Light of men.

2Pe 1:4 For by these He has granted to us His precious and magnificent promises, so that by them you may become partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world by lust.

Php 3:10-11 that I may know Him and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death; (11) in order that I may attain to the resurrection from the dead.