Saturday, 6 April 2013

Fasting: Awake Army of GOD!

Come enter into a time of fasting, beginning April 8th, 2013 till May 17th, 2013

Word of thanks for My Beloved Bride:

My special 144,000~ how eternally grateful I am for your commitment to war in
prayer for My beloved Jerusalem and Land of Israel. She is My crown jewel on
this earth. With her I will wage mighty wars and do mighty deeds. She is My
crown jewel on this earth. She is Mine-as are you, My Beloved Bride!

Thank you very much for responding to the call to fast in favor of My Holy Land
and My Holy City on this earth. Thank you for continuing in prayer despite much hard
effort and resistance from the enemy. I have seen it all and I, YHWH God, have
heard your prayers as you have cried out to Me, for I love your heart.  I have
heard your cries when My enemy was in the Land. Therefore, know that I will
reward you very richly.

You are a mighty End-Time Army on this earth. Many of you have asked Me to reveal
more about your calling, and I will answer you. Know that you are called for a
very big and mighty work on earth. Nothing is to compare with My Army.

I will call you into the Intimate Place and reveal My Plan to you. Those who want
to hear will hear. For I, your YHWH, have now prepared a mighty work for each of
you: My 144,000, My End-Time Bride on this earth, My beloved Virgins-purged,
cleansed and prepared for the coming of My Son Yahushua HaMashiach!

He is ready to pick you up.
Everything is ready for you, My Bride.
Are you ready?
Are you awake?
I tell you: WAKE UP NOW!!! Now is the time for all End-Time-Prophecy to be fulfilled.
Now is the time, My beloved.

Therefore, rise up My Bride! Fight for My earth. Fight for those who are not yet
awake and ready. FIGHT!!! Fight in prayer, fasting and lamentation. Everything is
ready, but My bride must yet fully enter in! She has not yet entered in completely.
To some, their End-Time Calling has yet to be made known.

Are you willing? Will you war as My Army for My Army? Do you want to be equipped with
My Heavenly armor? I shall clothe you with Heavenly weaponry to fight
against the enemies around you!

Much is now being revealed to you. My reward is coming for those who have responded to
the call in My letters to fast. I know-much fasting does your YHWH expect... But, My
beloved, it is necessary! You have now received much of your deliverance; much
cleansing has been accomplished in My Bride; many have now entered in as a
result of fasting!  When My people fast together it forms a mighty warring Army
to conquer My enemy and your enemies!

Fasting accomplishes much more in the spiritual world than you can see or realize.
May I call unto you to go on? Do you want to form again a mighty core of strength and
prayer? If so, then please come, My Army!  Come enter into a time of fasting,
beginning April 8th, 2013. Come into My Presence! My son comes very soon.
Everything on earth is being brought into readiness at full speed- to meet Him,
My beloved Yahushua HaMashiach.

You will meet Him, My Bride! He comes to get you very soon now. At that time you
shall get your final training and be fully equipped in a special and secluded
place-a place only for My 144,000. You will also meet My Son here on earth after
you return.

So get yourselves ready! Time is up! I want to send My Son soon to get Our Bride so
that she can be readied in her final stage of preparation.

You are doing well, My Bride. Be encouraged! Go on, do not give up! I do not give up
with you either. I go on-are you going with Me? Can I count on you again for the
next 40 days of fasting and prayer? You fast not only for yourself, not only for
your own blessings, but also for those who must yet enter in. You bless them,
too, when you fast, My beloved!

Your prayers with fasting do so much more than you realize-much more than prayer alone.
Your fasting blesses My whole earth which is now being prepared for the gathering of
the Great Harvest-My Great Harvest that I have planned, as described in My Word.

Are you ready? Are you willing to prepare for war with My Son and His angels on this
earth and to win the victory?! Make yourselves ready, for now is the time. My
Son comes soon-HE IS COMING!

This is a letter of thanks, encouragement and appreciation for My beloved, one and only
End-Time Battle-Army on this earth: My 144,000!!!

Your YHWH God - The "I AM" Who provides in everything...
Your Helper and Strong Hand always....
Shalom. Be encouraged - Abba Father.

(Received via Email)

A Mercy-Passion Call to a 40 day Fast and Prayer: 4/8/13

"The Last Call" March 25 & 31, 2013

My Loves, My Tabernacle is almost yours?

My Dearly Beloved,
On this day of Pesach (Passover), I come to My beloved with a heart so full of
thanksgiving, gratitude and shalom for what you have done for Me on this earth!
I tell you, My dear ones~ You have achieved the leasing of My land in My Holy Land
and the building of My tabernacle for these end-times!  Within one week, My loves,
you achieved something that Lucifer/Satan said could NOT BE DONE.  You paid in full
for My land within one week!  THANK YOU! תודה And now after just one and a half
months, I am completing the tabernacle construction and details of the land with
My servants/friends.  I bless each one of you who gave even one penny for this
project, for it is important to Me and My Son Yahushua for these times!

Now to those who fasted and prayed for Me...who gave up everything for Me,
not eating or drinking a thing for three days when My enemy entered into My Holy Land~
Many of you rose up and obeyed Our Spirit to Fast, Pray, War and Repent on My behalf.

(March 31st, 2013)
My Son's sacrifice for you, and My gift to you:
Please watch the Passion of the Christ, beloveds.  We will minister to ALL OF YOU!

I, your Abba in Heaven will now be very serious and honest with you, My called
Bride and chosen 144K.  We are now looking and examining across the earth to
find who is ready for My Son Yahushua HaMashiach´s return.  I say to you: I
still need to do a work in most of you, through you, by Our Spirit and Holy
Fire~ to purge and cleanse you, and ensure that you are without spot and wrinkle
like My Word says you must be.

I invite you, Our Beloved, to another fasting and prayer time of consecration with
Us.  I call you on a 40 day fast beginning April 8, 2013.  I called a 40 day
fast one year ago, and now I beckon you to join us once again.  I ask you to
seek Me about this and I will confirm it to you!  I ask you to seek Us
diligently about what type of fast I have ordained for you.  Many of you have
been fasting much this past year, especially My 144K and two witnesses. So this
will be custom-designed for you:  For some, Daniel fasting; for some, communion
fasting; for those I call to do juicing, drink only juice; and for a remnant,
water fasting will be required.  I will tell you which one I want you to do.
Only do WATER ONLY if you have been specifically called to do this type of
fasting.  Many of you, however, have been trained to do this!

I ask you to go back to all of My "Last Call" letters starting from March of 2012,
and I will speak to you in the Secret Place about where we are in MY end-time
plan, and how and what I need you to do to prepare yourself for what is to come.

Please, My beloveds, rise up to this Call to Fast and Pray!  Yes it is for you, but
also for the earth and all who are lost~ especially family, friends, neighbors and those
in the destruction/ judgment areas who still need to be saved.  Many of you still need
a READY GOLDEN VESSEL, a holy tabernacle for Our Spirit to fully manifest and dwell in.

Come out of Babylon, beloveds.  Stay separated and consecrated; fast and get your
white linen garments on.  Only I can say when Yahushua comes, and in My mercy I
have delayed and delayed and delayed.  You decide now, My Bride.  I will hear
from you in My heavenlies~ I will see the sacrifice of yourselves for Me.
Oh really?  Oh really?  Talk to Yahushua!  Talk to anyone who has been invited to be
My Son's close friend or who has truly walked with Me.  This time in History has

None have ever been so righteous through My Son's blood, yet none have ever been so
wretched through following My enemies!  Sodom and Gomorrah were like child's
play compared to the abominations I hear and see now.  I am closing out this age
and I want My earth purged, cleansed and ready for My Son Yahushua's reign of
1000 years.  Everything is now being set in place by the evil all around, and
everything is also in place for the righteous~ ready for the Bride to be taken to
Our New Jerusalem.  But beloved, it is NOT as the theologians, biblical scholars,
Rabbis and Ministers of the Gospel of the Word have taught.  It is ONLY what I have
ordained and proclaimed from the foundations of the earth, period!  Yahushua has pleaded
and cried out to Me

for more mercy, grace and time, so I extend My hand and He calls you to the Secret
Place.  He beckons His Bride to:

        "Come to US with all your heart and with fasting with weeping and with
        mourning. Rend you hearts and NOT your garments and turn to the Lord your God;
        For I am gracious and merciful, slow to anger and of great kindness and
        I repenteth of the evil..."

        "Blow the trumpet in Zion, Sanctify a Fast, call a Solemn assembly. Gather
        the people, sanctify the congregation, assemble the elders, gather the
        children and those that suck the breasts.  Let the Bridegroom go forth of
        His chambers and the Bride of her closet."

I want you to please read and mediate on the Book of Joel, My beloved.  There are
so many hidden treasure and revelations I want to share with you.  This is the
Book for these days RIGHT NOW!

The choice is altogether up to My beloveds now.  To stay My judgment I require a
sacrifice from you.  I will not delay but a little longer. Look around you!...
WWIII looming, economies failing across the world, One World Religion bringing
in the son of perdition- My #1 Arch Enemy who I will allow to judge humanity:
all who have NOT chosen to come to the I AM and to the One who was, who is and
who is to come-YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH-who have NOT accepted the gracious free
love Gift of our Ruach HaKodesh!

Thank you again, beloveds, for stepping up to the plate~ for building Me My
Tabernacle and fasting for US NOW!  Where I began so long ago I will be again.
And I will build yet another Tabernacle where I will end this all!  All is set up.
What do you choose this day-Life or Death?

The invitation is yours!  This may be one of the most important ones you have ever
been extended.

Beloved Bride, My Chosen of the Earth~
This is "MY ~LAST~ CALL."
Shalom,I Bless you and Love you~
Your Beloved Abba, Father, YHWH, El Shaddai, God יהוה

Please read and meditate in My Word:
The books of Exodus, Joel, Daniel, Acts and Revelation.
Thank you!

(Received via Email)