Today, i would like to say my apologize for a long while, i have not been writing or sharing something yet. I pray for everyone are doing well now, for this end times period is really a final tough one. We just need to be still, believe that He is holding the rest of our works, do not be timid, keep our heart and mind clean for as our Maker is the Holy one.
Well i am trying to write some scriptures that i feel led to share in briefly time, actually 2 hours later when i get back from my Spanish course. I was wondering what am i gonna do after taking bath later. Then, my heart pushed me to sit down and start to pray but i did not know what would i pray for. I began to thanking Him for everything, spoke in tongue - however, still i did not understand whether i would continue to keep praying or stop it and doing something else in reason i doubted it.
Short story, God started to lead me to open Isaiah 43:12. Here it is written: I have declared, I have saved, and I have shown; and there was no strange god among you. Therefore you are my witnesses," says Yahweh, "and I am God.
I kept prayed. And, He gave me the second scripture in Deuteronomy 28:13. It says: Yahweh will make you the head, and not the tail; and you shall be above only, and you shall not be beneath; if you shall listen to the commandments of Yahweh your God, which I command you this day, to observe and to do [them],
The third in Revelation 22:12: "Behold, I come quickly. My reward is with me, to repay to each man according to his work.
You know what, honestly today i was thinking that why it is been taking so long for rapture, everybody is suffering now and still trying to hold on tightly in whom we are belong to, right? I mean, let's say that we are still thank Him for giving us His abundantly grace that really beyond our understanding. Sometimes we are falling down and doing the same mistake, but His grace always pick us up. Like Proverbs says that for a righteous man falls seven times, and rises up
again. But it does not mean that we can pretend like "okay, God loves me and He will keep forgive me" while we are doing something that we know we should not have to. But the other side, our flesh are saying that like please let us go home now. We know, we do really know that the joy of following Him far outshines the cost.
So, i just got the answer of my speculation of thought today. Haha God is faithful!! And, He is cominggg soon.
Let me say this straightly: please keep your heart and mind clear before the LORD. His favor indeed lasts for everlasting life but He also will punish those who not obey Him in the judgement day. Because it is impossible that you say you love Him but you are not following Him with a whole-hearted. ;)
PS. Breadlife for thought: hebrew 10:19-39; 11:16; chapter 12-13, 1 peter 2:11; chapter 3-5, and eph 6:10-18.
Shalom. Father YHWH bless you.
Love, Gratia.
Friday, 6 December 2013
Tuesday, 3 December 2013
Monday, 1 July 2013
The End Times Update from The Most High King, YHWH
'Beloved Bride of YHWH and Yahushua's Bride,
This is the Last Call for MY End-Time Army to rise up in this last
hour-to stand in this hour of tribulation that is coming upon the earth.
Please heed MY Last Call NOW! The hour is near for MY SON's Coming to
take HIS beloved Bride. Are you ready for the coming of MY Son? Are you
ready for what is coming upon the earth? "Thank you" to all who have helped
MY sons and daughters in MY HOLY LAND with many Love Offerings to build
and furnish MINE and Yahushua's Tabernacle, which is now in the process
of completion. Are you willing to continue on and be part of this Blessed
End Time Project of your YHWH God? I now open OUR humble tabernacle to you,
beloveds. Seek ME diligently and ask ME if you are to come to MY HOLY LAND.
Seek ME about MY chosen destiny for you, and I shall reveal it to you!
Answer this Invitation and come to Israel when I call you to come!
The gathering is in progress, so all who are called as OUR Bride and/or
End Time Army: You are very WELCOME at OUR Tabernacle from July 1st,
2013 onward!
WE both love you,
~signed yours,
Please visit YHWH's GLORY website to read more about building the Tabernacle:
For all info please write us at: TheLastCallofGod/featured
http://www.yhwh-glory-end- 1_120_2013
"The Last Call"
June 23, 2013
My Dearest Beloveds,
I want you to understand something very important and pertinent to these
days right now. For those with ears to hear, eyes to see and hearts to
receive~ hear what your YHWH speaks to you. Back in 2008, I gave a commission
to My daughter during a 60 day water fast: "BUILD ME MY TABERNACLE FOR THE
LAST CALL OF GOD ACROSS THE EARTH." Now is that time, My beloveds. After My
servants and friends completed a 40 day fast at the beginning of this year
in Israel, I made it perfectly clear and gave them MANY SIGNS AND CONFIRMATIONS
I now open My humble tabernacle to you, My beloveds. Seek Me diligently
and ask Me if you are to come to MY HOLY LAND. I want you to seek Me
regarding the specifics of where, when, why, and how. These questions will
all be answered for you. Seek Me about all these things in the secret place
in prayer and fasting, and I shall answer you!
Seek Me on all end-time matters and especially that which concerns My
End-Time Move~ THE LAST GREAT HARVESTINGS OF SOULS! Seek Me for the truth
I AM NOW summonsing My 144,000 to COME! Come to Israel when I say COME. You
already knew you would come one day... Well, IT IS TIME, beloved warriors
THE EARTH! My Glory shall be right where I have ordained it to be~IN MY HOLY
LAND! My friend will meet and greet you, and I will do the rest. In My great
mercy and because there are still so many crying out to Me from the land of
America, fasting and praying and repenting-I have sent My other friend back to
America for a short time to delay My judgments on the earth, especially in
You shall see and hear about this very soon! This is ONLY ME~ THE GREAT I AM,
YOUR YHVH~ doing this with My Son YAHUSHUA~YOUR KING AND SAVIOR~ and Our mighty
I require HOLINESS AND RIGHTOUSNESS for you to enter through My gates.
Fast and Pray and Seek MY face about this very special ordained visitation
and appointment I have for you. I will begin with My lovely Daughters/
Brides from South Africa and America: They shall be the first to come and
receive the blessing for obeying Me,walking in faith and answering when I
summonsed them to come to MY HOLY LAND. The prophetic fulfillment of Joel 2
is now beginning to unfold in a very profound way. I AM bringing this first
divine appointment and encounter of My anointed, ordained and ready willing
Daughters/Brides. My dear Sons, I am beckoning you, too... But have to admit
and be honest with you: So many more daughters are ready to receive My end-time
anointing and the infilling of My GLORY than My Sons. SO GET READY, MY BELOVED
I will be there with My Son YAHUSHUA and Our RUACH HA KOSDESH! If you doubt
My WORDS and MY WORD, then this is NOT FOR YOU! But if you have the faith of
a mustard seed, then you shall see the GLORY OF THE LORD...And blessed are
they who have pure hearts, for THEY SHALL SEE GOD!
The invitations are being dispersed throughout the earth as I release
these words into the atmosphere right now by My Angel Messengers. Are you
MOST HIGH? My 144,000~ Prepare and be ready to come when I send Word to YOU.
You have been prepared to receive all I have a waiting for you in Jerusalem
and throughout MY HOLY LAND! Get rid of the old doctrines and teachings of
man and SEEK ME~ your GOD, YHWH~ for the unsealing of the little book as well
as the hidden mysteries and secrets of Daniel, John, and many other prophets of
old. Let it be foretold in these days NOW! For IT IS TIME! Please remember:
My Son Yahushua began his life in a humble, simple cave with the animals.
Please My Bride, ALWAYS pray for all the lost sheep, for the 144,000,
and for My Two Witnesses!
Precious ones of the earth,
I bless you and love you...
Your Beloved Husband, Abba Father, YHVH, I AM GOD יהוה
Jeremiah 33:3
Thank you!
June 9, 2013
MY Tabernacle is open ~Official Invitation:
To those who have ears to hear... Listen!
To those who have been set apart... Be separate!
To those who have been called... COME!
Come, MY beloved Bride and End Time Army of the Most High!
I, ABBA, call you at this moment to COME to MY chosen Holy Place on this earth.
This is a confirmation of the previous Word in The Last Call, MY chosen and most
important ministry at this time on this earth... And you are MY chosen people:
The beloved Tribes of MY chosen people Israel. Come and gather yourselves
together as MY Bride and MY chosen End Time Army.
This is a milestone in history: THE GATHERING OF MY 144.000!!! A Milestone!
Yahushua HaMashiach will soon reveal Himself in MY Holy Land.
MY beloved Army, gird yourselves and come! THE TIME IS NOW! I and MY Son
are enthusiastic. He is ready and eager to meet HIS Bride there in that
Holy Place, Our Tabernacle which is now nearly finished by MY sons and
daughters in perfection and precision.
A Big THANK YOU to all who have contributed financially and materially
to MY Tabernacle. You are blessed, MY beloved children.
MY Blessing and Mercy rests on you.
Everything will be completed as planned and described in MY Holy Book,
which no one knows about except MY elect angels and those to whom I
reveal MY Task, chapter by chapter, page by page. MY secret I reveal
NOT to MY enemy.
MY SPIRIT witnesses with the spirit of MINE and YAHUSHUA's End Time Bride
about this truth. They know no discussion. My true Bride is in MY Heart
and one with MY Will~ a reward with this higher gift of knowing~ for those
who have obeyed ME in recent months, in MY Last Call, in prayer and fasting.
As I said earlier: Many, very many, are now taken over by the enemy because
of their rebellion and disobedience-in their thinking, in their actions
and in their emotions-completely taken over. They will soon face the harsh
consequences once they come back to their senses. Now I give them over to
the anesthesia of the enemy because of their rebellion and disobedience
against ME.
I only reward MY obedient children: Those who through hard, severe testing
have learned this pure form of obedience... who have submitted in everything
to MY Will regardless of how it may have looked by outward circumstances...
who, by pure and true repentance, have earned the gift and mantle of humility
and submission to ME... THESE ARE MY TRUE BRIDE.
I will now receive and reward those whose hearts of stone have been
completely broken and made new as they have prayed and fasted and endured in
obedience through all My hard testings...
Those whose very DNA has been transformed, changed to that of MY SON...
Those whose hearts and wills have been completely conformed to MINE...
Those who take the example of MY SON by saying and doing only what they hear
and see ME, their Father, saying and doing...
Those who have accepted the mantle servanthood according to the example of
YAHUSHUA on this earth.
Do you want to serve HIM? Follow the example of MY SON!
Now then, MY beloved... As I said, MY Tabernacle is in the process of
being finished. Just a few details here and there.
Are you willing to come and serve?
Are you willing to soon meet your KING and MESSIAH?
MY Tabernacle is built~ MY Word and End Time Plan is being accomplished!
I call you, MY Bride and Endtime Army, to NOW come. Get ready to be
commissioned and sent out in this world, to serve ME and others, so that
many can still be saved! Many still have to enter as the Bride of Yahushua
Everything is about to happen: Every prophetic word described in MY Word
here on earth, and every mystery described in the Heavenlies where I abide.
But soon I send MY SON to get HIS Bride who is now gathering here on earth.
The gathering is in progress, so all who are called as the Bride and/or Endtime Army:
You are very WELCOME in MY Tabernacle from July 1st, 2013!
It is Time for the official opening of MY Tent in the desert~ A most Holy Place,
prepared in love and mystery for MY Bride and 144,000 who is to be gathered,
anointed, blessed and sent out again into the world to bring billions of souls
into My Kingdom.
This is MY Task for you! Are you enthusiastic? Are you willing to be used
as Living Water and Living Bread and Living Stones for ME and MY SON YAHUSHUA
HA MASHIACH? Then come!
You know if you are called or not. It is revealed to you and now is the
time to come. Great, great blessings await you in a time of severe tribulation
as never seen on this earth. You will be MY Light in the darkness, and people
will see and taste the Glory that you will carry and use as an instrument
of Healing, Deliverance, Comfort, Hope, Love and Providence in miracles
and signs on this earth. As it was during the ministry of MY SON on this earth,
now it shall be much more glorious and powerful, as this is the End Time and
WE will still bring in billions: THE LOST SHEEP OF THE FLOCK.
BUT WE HAVE WARNED: Those who will test MY servants with their web of lies and
false infiltration-know that MY witnesses are ready,MY mighty Duo on this earth,
as described in Revelation 11, to judge you right away.
NEVER COME AGAINST MY WITNESSES ON THIS EARTH! This is one of the main serious
warnings that I give you now. People are already judged by this and they now
gnash their teeth from pain in a place where none of you want to be.
So, besides this beautiful call concerning MY Tabernacle, I must give
you this serious warning.
COME MY BRIDE~ Walk out your destiny with ME, because the time is very short.
MY SON is almost here...
July 1st, 2013:
Official Opening of MY Tabernacle~
MY safe Haven in the wilderness, for those who are called.
I will see you there... You can find all contact information in this letter.
Shalom MY beloveds~
Postbus 20, Eeklo, Oost-Vlaanderen 9900,
To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit: jJwsnOwsrLSsLCyMTMysrLRGtIycjB wcrByc
This is the Last Call for MY End-Time Army to rise up in this last
hour-to stand in this hour of tribulation that is coming upon the earth.
Please heed MY Last Call NOW! The hour is near for MY SON's Coming to
take HIS beloved Bride. Are you ready for the coming of MY Son? Are you
ready for what is coming upon the earth? "Thank you" to all who have helped
MY sons and daughters in MY HOLY LAND with many Love Offerings to build
and furnish MINE and Yahushua's Tabernacle, which is now in the process
of completion. Are you willing to continue on and be part of this Blessed
End Time Project of your YHWH God? I now open OUR humble tabernacle to you,
beloveds. Seek ME diligently and ask ME if you are to come to MY HOLY LAND.
Seek ME about MY chosen destiny for you, and I shall reveal it to you!
Answer this Invitation and come to Israel when I call you to come!
The gathering is in progress, so all who are called as OUR Bride and/or
End Time Army: You are very WELCOME at OUR Tabernacle from July 1st,
2013 onward!
WE both love you,
~signed yours,
Please visit YHWH's GLORY website to read more about building the Tabernacle:
For all info please write us at:
"The Last Call"
June 23, 2013
My Dearest Beloveds,
I want you to understand something very important and pertinent to these
days right now. For those with ears to hear, eyes to see and hearts to
receive~ hear what your YHWH speaks to you. Back in 2008, I gave a commission
to My daughter during a 60 day water fast: "BUILD ME MY TABERNACLE FOR THE
LAST CALL OF GOD ACROSS THE EARTH." Now is that time, My beloveds. After My
servants and friends completed a 40 day fast at the beginning of this year
in Israel, I made it perfectly clear and gave them MANY SIGNS AND CONFIRMATIONS
I now open My humble tabernacle to you, My beloveds. Seek Me diligently
and ask Me if you are to come to MY HOLY LAND. I want you to seek Me
regarding the specifics of where, when, why, and how. These questions will
all be answered for you. Seek Me about all these things in the secret place
in prayer and fasting, and I shall answer you!
Seek Me on all end-time matters and especially that which concerns My
End-Time Move~ THE LAST GREAT HARVESTINGS OF SOULS! Seek Me for the truth
I AM NOW summonsing My 144,000 to COME! Come to Israel when I say COME. You
already knew you would come one day... Well, IT IS TIME, beloved warriors
THE EARTH! My Glory shall be right where I have ordained it to be~IN MY HOLY
LAND! My friend will meet and greet you, and I will do the rest. In My great
mercy and because there are still so many crying out to Me from the land of
America, fasting and praying and repenting-I have sent My other friend back to
America for a short time to delay My judgments on the earth, especially in
You shall see and hear about this very soon! This is ONLY ME~ THE GREAT I AM,
YOUR YHVH~ doing this with My Son YAHUSHUA~YOUR KING AND SAVIOR~ and Our mighty
I require HOLINESS AND RIGHTOUSNESS for you to enter through My gates.
Fast and Pray and Seek MY face about this very special ordained visitation
and appointment I have for you. I will begin with My lovely Daughters/
Brides from South Africa and America: They shall be the first to come and
receive the blessing for obeying Me,walking in faith and answering when I
summonsed them to come to MY HOLY LAND. The prophetic fulfillment of Joel 2
is now beginning to unfold in a very profound way. I AM bringing this first
divine appointment and encounter of My anointed, ordained and ready willing
Daughters/Brides. My dear Sons, I am beckoning you, too... But have to admit
and be honest with you: So many more daughters are ready to receive My end-time
anointing and the infilling of My GLORY than My Sons. SO GET READY, MY BELOVED
I will be there with My Son YAHUSHUA and Our RUACH HA KOSDESH! If you doubt
My WORDS and MY WORD, then this is NOT FOR YOU! But if you have the faith of
a mustard seed, then you shall see the GLORY OF THE LORD...And blessed are
they who have pure hearts, for THEY SHALL SEE GOD!
The invitations are being dispersed throughout the earth as I release
these words into the atmosphere right now by My Angel Messengers. Are you
MOST HIGH? My 144,000~ Prepare and be ready to come when I send Word to YOU.
You have been prepared to receive all I have a waiting for you in Jerusalem
and throughout MY HOLY LAND! Get rid of the old doctrines and teachings of
man and SEEK ME~ your GOD, YHWH~ for the unsealing of the little book as well
as the hidden mysteries and secrets of Daniel, John, and many other prophets of
old. Let it be foretold in these days NOW! For IT IS TIME! Please remember:
My Son Yahushua began his life in a humble, simple cave with the animals.
Please My Bride, ALWAYS pray for all the lost sheep, for the 144,000,
and for My Two Witnesses!
Precious ones of the earth,
I bless you and love you...
Your Beloved Husband, Abba Father, YHVH, I AM GOD יהוה
Jeremiah 33:3
Thank you!
June 9, 2013
MY Tabernacle is open ~Official Invitation:
To those who have ears to hear... Listen!
To those who have been set apart... Be separate!
To those who have been called... COME!
Come, MY beloved Bride and End Time Army of the Most High!
I, ABBA, call you at this moment to COME to MY chosen Holy Place on this earth.
This is a confirmation of the previous Word in The Last Call, MY chosen and most
important ministry at this time on this earth... And you are MY chosen people:
The beloved Tribes of MY chosen people Israel. Come and gather yourselves
together as MY Bride and MY chosen End Time Army.
This is a milestone in history: THE GATHERING OF MY 144.000!!! A Milestone!
Yahushua HaMashiach will soon reveal Himself in MY Holy Land.
MY beloved Army, gird yourselves and come! THE TIME IS NOW! I and MY Son
are enthusiastic. He is ready and eager to meet HIS Bride there in that
Holy Place, Our Tabernacle which is now nearly finished by MY sons and
daughters in perfection and precision.
A Big THANK YOU to all who have contributed financially and materially
to MY Tabernacle. You are blessed, MY beloved children.
MY Blessing and Mercy rests on you.
Everything will be completed as planned and described in MY Holy Book,
which no one knows about except MY elect angels and those to whom I
reveal MY Task, chapter by chapter, page by page. MY secret I reveal
NOT to MY enemy.
MY SPIRIT witnesses with the spirit of MINE and YAHUSHUA's End Time Bride
about this truth. They know no discussion. My true Bride is in MY Heart
and one with MY Will~ a reward with this higher gift of knowing~ for those
who have obeyed ME in recent months, in MY Last Call, in prayer and fasting.
As I said earlier: Many, very many, are now taken over by the enemy because
of their rebellion and disobedience-in their thinking, in their actions
and in their emotions-completely taken over. They will soon face the harsh
consequences once they come back to their senses. Now I give them over to
the anesthesia of the enemy because of their rebellion and disobedience
against ME.
I only reward MY obedient children: Those who through hard, severe testing
have learned this pure form of obedience... who have submitted in everything
to MY Will regardless of how it may have looked by outward circumstances...
who, by pure and true repentance, have earned the gift and mantle of humility
and submission to ME... THESE ARE MY TRUE BRIDE.
I will now receive and reward those whose hearts of stone have been
completely broken and made new as they have prayed and fasted and endured in
obedience through all My hard testings...
Those whose very DNA has been transformed, changed to that of MY SON...
Those whose hearts and wills have been completely conformed to MINE...
Those who take the example of MY SON by saying and doing only what they hear
and see ME, their Father, saying and doing...
Those who have accepted the mantle servanthood according to the example of
YAHUSHUA on this earth.
Do you want to serve HIM? Follow the example of MY SON!
Now then, MY beloved... As I said, MY Tabernacle is in the process of
being finished. Just a few details here and there.
Are you willing to come and serve?
Are you willing to soon meet your KING and MESSIAH?
MY Tabernacle is built~ MY Word and End Time Plan is being accomplished!
I call you, MY Bride and Endtime Army, to NOW come. Get ready to be
commissioned and sent out in this world, to serve ME and others, so that
many can still be saved! Many still have to enter as the Bride of Yahushua
Everything is about to happen: Every prophetic word described in MY Word
here on earth, and every mystery described in the Heavenlies where I abide.
But soon I send MY SON to get HIS Bride who is now gathering here on earth.
The gathering is in progress, so all who are called as the Bride and/or Endtime Army:
You are very WELCOME in MY Tabernacle from July 1st, 2013!
It is Time for the official opening of MY Tent in the desert~ A most Holy Place,
prepared in love and mystery for MY Bride and 144,000 who is to be gathered,
anointed, blessed and sent out again into the world to bring billions of souls
into My Kingdom.
This is MY Task for you! Are you enthusiastic? Are you willing to be used
as Living Water and Living Bread and Living Stones for ME and MY SON YAHUSHUA
HA MASHIACH? Then come!
You know if you are called or not. It is revealed to you and now is the
time to come. Great, great blessings await you in a time of severe tribulation
as never seen on this earth. You will be MY Light in the darkness, and people
will see and taste the Glory that you will carry and use as an instrument
of Healing, Deliverance, Comfort, Hope, Love and Providence in miracles
and signs on this earth. As it was during the ministry of MY SON on this earth,
now it shall be much more glorious and powerful, as this is the End Time and
WE will still bring in billions: THE LOST SHEEP OF THE FLOCK.
BUT WE HAVE WARNED: Those who will test MY servants with their web of lies and
false infiltration-know that MY witnesses are ready,MY mighty Duo on this earth,
as described in Revelation 11, to judge you right away.
NEVER COME AGAINST MY WITNESSES ON THIS EARTH! This is one of the main serious
warnings that I give you now. People are already judged by this and they now
gnash their teeth from pain in a place where none of you want to be.
So, besides this beautiful call concerning MY Tabernacle, I must give
you this serious warning.
COME MY BRIDE~ Walk out your destiny with ME, because the time is very short.
MY SON is almost here...
July 1st, 2013:
Official Opening of MY Tabernacle~
MY safe Haven in the wilderness, for those who are called.
I will see you there... You can find all contact information in this letter.
Shalom MY beloveds~
Postbus 20, Eeklo, Oost-Vlaanderen 9900,
To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:
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Saturday, 6 April 2013
Fasting: Awake Army of GOD!
Come enter into a time of fasting, beginning April 8th, 2013 till May 17th, 2013
Word of thanks for My Beloved Bride:
My special 144,000~ how eternally grateful I am for your commitment to war in
prayer for My beloved Jerusalem and Land of Israel. She is My crown jewel on
this earth. With her I will wage mighty wars and do mighty deeds. She is My
crown jewel on this earth. She is Mine-as are you, My Beloved Bride!
Thank you very much for responding to the call to fast in favor of My Holy Land
and My Holy City on this earth. Thank you for continuing in prayer despite much hard
effort and resistance from the enemy. I have seen it all and I, YHWH God, have
heard your prayers as you have cried out to Me, for I love your heart. I have
heard your cries when My enemy was in the Land. Therefore, know that I will
reward you very richly.
You are a mighty End-Time Army on this earth. Many of you have asked Me to reveal
more about your calling, and I will answer you. Know that you are called for a
very big and mighty work on earth. Nothing is to compare with My Army.
I will call you into the Intimate Place and reveal My Plan to you. Those who want
to hear will hear. For I, your YHWH, have now prepared a mighty work for each of
you: My 144,000, My End-Time Bride on this earth, My beloved Virgins-purged,
cleansed and prepared for the coming of My Son Yahushua HaMashiach!
He is ready to pick you up.
Everything is ready for you, My Bride.
Are you ready?
Are you awake?
I tell you: WAKE UP NOW!!! Now is the time for all End-Time-Prophecy to be fulfilled.
Now is the time, My beloved.
Therefore, rise up My Bride! Fight for My earth. Fight for those who are not yet
awake and ready. FIGHT!!! Fight in prayer, fasting and lamentation. Everything is
ready, but My bride must yet fully enter in! She has not yet entered in completely.
To some, their End-Time Calling has yet to be made known.
Are you willing? Will you war as My Army for My Army? Do you want to be equipped with
My Heavenly armor? I shall clothe you with Heavenly weaponry to fight
against the enemies around you!
Much is now being revealed to you. My reward is coming for those who have responded to
the call in My letters to fast. I know-much fasting does your YHWH expect... But, My
beloved, it is necessary! You have now received much of your deliverance; much
cleansing has been accomplished in My Bride; many have now entered in as a
result of fasting! When My people fast together it forms a mighty warring Army
to conquer My enemy and your enemies!
Fasting accomplishes much more in the spiritual world than you can see or realize.
May I call unto you to go on? Do you want to form again a mighty core of strength and
prayer? If so, then please come, My Army! Come enter into a time of fasting,
beginning April 8th, 2013. Come into My Presence! My son comes very soon.
Everything on earth is being brought into readiness at full speed- to meet Him,
My beloved Yahushua HaMashiach.
You will meet Him, My Bride! He comes to get you very soon now. At that time you
shall get your final training and be fully equipped in a special and secluded
place-a place only for My 144,000. You will also meet My Son here on earth after
you return.
So get yourselves ready! Time is up! I want to send My Son soon to get Our Bride so
that she can be readied in her final stage of preparation.
You are doing well, My Bride. Be encouraged! Go on, do not give up! I do not give up
with you either. I go on-are you going with Me? Can I count on you again for the
next 40 days of fasting and prayer? You fast not only for yourself, not only for
your own blessings, but also for those who must yet enter in. You bless them,
too, when you fast, My beloved!
Your prayers with fasting do so much more than you realize-much more than prayer alone.
Your fasting blesses My whole earth which is now being prepared for the gathering of
the Great Harvest-My Great Harvest that I have planned, as described in My Word.
Are you ready? Are you willing to prepare for war with My Son and His angels on this
earth and to win the victory?! Make yourselves ready, for now is the time. My
Son comes soon-HE IS COMING!
This is a letter of thanks, encouragement and appreciation for My beloved, one and only
End-Time Battle-Army on this earth: My 144,000!!!
Your YHWH God - The "I AM" Who provides in everything...
Your Helper and Strong Hand always....
Shalom. Be encouraged - Abba Father.
(Received via Email)
Word of thanks for My Beloved Bride:
My special 144,000~ how eternally grateful I am for your commitment to war in
prayer for My beloved Jerusalem and Land of Israel. She is My crown jewel on
this earth. With her I will wage mighty wars and do mighty deeds. She is My
crown jewel on this earth. She is Mine-as are you, My Beloved Bride!
Thank you very much for responding to the call to fast in favor of My Holy Land
and My Holy City on this earth. Thank you for continuing in prayer despite much hard
effort and resistance from the enemy. I have seen it all and I, YHWH God, have
heard your prayers as you have cried out to Me, for I love your heart. I have
heard your cries when My enemy was in the Land. Therefore, know that I will
reward you very richly.
You are a mighty End-Time Army on this earth. Many of you have asked Me to reveal
more about your calling, and I will answer you. Know that you are called for a
very big and mighty work on earth. Nothing is to compare with My Army.
I will call you into the Intimate Place and reveal My Plan to you. Those who want
to hear will hear. For I, your YHWH, have now prepared a mighty work for each of
you: My 144,000, My End-Time Bride on this earth, My beloved Virgins-purged,
cleansed and prepared for the coming of My Son Yahushua HaMashiach!
He is ready to pick you up.
Everything is ready for you, My Bride.
Are you ready?
Are you awake?
I tell you: WAKE UP NOW!!! Now is the time for all End-Time-Prophecy to be fulfilled.
Now is the time, My beloved.
Therefore, rise up My Bride! Fight for My earth. Fight for those who are not yet
awake and ready. FIGHT!!! Fight in prayer, fasting and lamentation. Everything is
ready, but My bride must yet fully enter in! She has not yet entered in completely.
To some, their End-Time Calling has yet to be made known.
Are you willing? Will you war as My Army for My Army? Do you want to be equipped with
My Heavenly armor? I shall clothe you with Heavenly weaponry to fight
against the enemies around you!
Much is now being revealed to you. My reward is coming for those who have responded to
the call in My letters to fast. I know-much fasting does your YHWH expect... But, My
beloved, it is necessary! You have now received much of your deliverance; much
cleansing has been accomplished in My Bride; many have now entered in as a
result of fasting! When My people fast together it forms a mighty warring Army
to conquer My enemy and your enemies!
Fasting accomplishes much more in the spiritual world than you can see or realize.
May I call unto you to go on? Do you want to form again a mighty core of strength and
prayer? If so, then please come, My Army! Come enter into a time of fasting,
beginning April 8th, 2013. Come into My Presence! My son comes very soon.
Everything on earth is being brought into readiness at full speed- to meet Him,
My beloved Yahushua HaMashiach.
You will meet Him, My Bride! He comes to get you very soon now. At that time you
shall get your final training and be fully equipped in a special and secluded
place-a place only for My 144,000. You will also meet My Son here on earth after
you return.
So get yourselves ready! Time is up! I want to send My Son soon to get Our Bride so
that she can be readied in her final stage of preparation.
You are doing well, My Bride. Be encouraged! Go on, do not give up! I do not give up
with you either. I go on-are you going with Me? Can I count on you again for the
next 40 days of fasting and prayer? You fast not only for yourself, not only for
your own blessings, but also for those who must yet enter in. You bless them,
too, when you fast, My beloved!
Your prayers with fasting do so much more than you realize-much more than prayer alone.
Your fasting blesses My whole earth which is now being prepared for the gathering of
the Great Harvest-My Great Harvest that I have planned, as described in My Word.
Are you ready? Are you willing to prepare for war with My Son and His angels on this
earth and to win the victory?! Make yourselves ready, for now is the time. My
Son comes soon-HE IS COMING!
This is a letter of thanks, encouragement and appreciation for My beloved, one and only
End-Time Battle-Army on this earth: My 144,000!!!
Your YHWH God - The "I AM" Who provides in everything...
Your Helper and Strong Hand always....
Shalom. Be encouraged - Abba Father.
(Received via Email)
A Mercy-Passion Call to a 40 day Fast and Prayer: 4/8/13
"The Last Call" March 25 & 31, 2013
My Loves, My Tabernacle is almost yours?
My Dearly Beloved,
On this day of Pesach (Passover), I come to My beloved with a heart so full of
thanksgiving, gratitude and shalom for what you have done for Me on this earth!
I tell you, My dear ones~ You have achieved the leasing of My land in My Holy Land
and the building of My tabernacle for these end-times! Within one week, My loves,
you achieved something that Lucifer/Satan said could NOT BE DONE. You paid in full
for My land within one week! THANK YOU! תודה And now after just one and a half
months, I am completing the tabernacle construction and details of the land with
My servants/friends. I bless each one of you who gave even one penny for this
project, for it is important to Me and My Son Yahushua for these times!
Now to those who fasted and prayed for Me...who gave up everything for Me,
not eating or drinking a thing for three days when My enemy entered into My Holy Land~
Many of you rose up and obeyed Our Spirit to Fast, Pray, War and Repent on My behalf.
(March 31st, 2013)
My Son's sacrifice for you, and My gift to you:
Please watch the Passion of the Christ, beloveds. We will minister to ALL OF YOU!
I, your Abba in Heaven will now be very serious and honest with you, My called
Bride and chosen 144K. We are now looking and examining across the earth to
find who is ready for My Son Yahushua HaMashiach´s return. I say to you: I
still need to do a work in most of you, through you, by Our Spirit and Holy
Fire~ to purge and cleanse you, and ensure that you are without spot and wrinkle
like My Word says you must be.
I invite you, Our Beloved, to another fasting and prayer time of consecration with
Us. I call you on a 40 day fast beginning April 8, 2013. I called a 40 day
fast one year ago, and now I beckon you to join us once again. I ask you to
seek Me about this and I will confirm it to you! I ask you to seek Us
diligently about what type of fast I have ordained for you. Many of you have
been fasting much this past year, especially My 144K and two witnesses. So this
will be custom-designed for you: For some, Daniel fasting; for some, communion
fasting; for those I call to do juicing, drink only juice; and for a remnant,
water fasting will be required. I will tell you which one I want you to do.
Only do WATER ONLY if you have been specifically called to do this type of
fasting. Many of you, however, have been trained to do this!
I ask you to go back to all of My "Last Call" letters starting from March of 2012,
and I will speak to you in the Secret Place about where we are in MY end-time
plan, and how and what I need you to do to prepare yourself for what is to come.
Please, My beloveds, rise up to this Call to Fast and Pray! Yes it is for you, but
also for the earth and all who are lost~ especially family, friends, neighbors and those
in the destruction/ judgment areas who still need to be saved. Many of you still need
a READY GOLDEN VESSEL, a holy tabernacle for Our Spirit to fully manifest and dwell in.
Come out of Babylon, beloveds. Stay separated and consecrated; fast and get your
white linen garments on. Only I can say when Yahushua comes, and in My mercy I
have delayed and delayed and delayed. You decide now, My Bride. I will hear
from you in My heavenlies~ I will see the sacrifice of yourselves for Me.
Oh really? Oh really? Talk to Yahushua! Talk to anyone who has been invited to be
My Son's close friend or who has truly walked with Me. This time in History has
None have ever been so righteous through My Son's blood, yet none have ever been so
wretched through following My enemies! Sodom and Gomorrah were like child's
play compared to the abominations I hear and see now. I am closing out this age
and I want My earth purged, cleansed and ready for My Son Yahushua's reign of
1000 years. Everything is now being set in place by the evil all around, and
everything is also in place for the righteous~ ready for the Bride to be taken to
Our New Jerusalem. But beloved, it is NOT as the theologians, biblical scholars,
Rabbis and Ministers of the Gospel of the Word have taught. It is ONLY what I have
ordained and proclaimed from the foundations of the earth, period! Yahushua has pleaded
and cried out to Me
for more mercy, grace and time, so I extend My hand and He calls you to the Secret
Place. He beckons His Bride to:
"Come to US with all your heart and with fasting with weeping and with
mourning. Rend you hearts and NOT your garments and turn to the Lord your God;
For I am gracious and merciful, slow to anger and of great kindness and
I repenteth of the evil..."
"Blow the trumpet in Zion, Sanctify a Fast, call a Solemn assembly. Gather
the people, sanctify the congregation, assemble the elders, gather the
children and those that suck the breasts. Let the Bridegroom go forth of
His chambers and the Bride of her closet."
I want you to please read and mediate on the Book of Joel, My beloved. There are
so many hidden treasure and revelations I want to share with you. This is the
Book for these days RIGHT NOW!
The choice is altogether up to My beloveds now. To stay My judgment I require a
sacrifice from you. I will not delay but a little longer. Look around you!...
WWIII looming, economies failing across the world, One World Religion bringing
in the son of perdition- My #1 Arch Enemy who I will allow to judge humanity:
all who have NOT chosen to come to the I AM and to the One who was, who is and
who is to come-YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH-who have NOT accepted the gracious free
love Gift of our Ruach HaKodesh!
Thank you again, beloveds, for stepping up to the plate~ for building Me My
Tabernacle and fasting for US NOW! Where I began so long ago I will be again.
And I will build yet another Tabernacle where I will end this all! All is set up.
What do you choose this day-Life or Death?
The invitation is yours! This may be one of the most important ones you have ever
been extended.
Beloved Bride, My Chosen of the Earth~
This is "MY ~LAST~ CALL."
Shalom,I Bless you and Love you~
Your Beloved Abba, Father, YHWH, El Shaddai, God יהוה
Please read and meditate in My Word:
The books of Exodus, Joel, Daniel, Acts and Revelation.
Thank you!
(Received via Email)
My Loves, My Tabernacle is almost yours?
My Dearly Beloved,
On this day of Pesach (Passover), I come to My beloved with a heart so full of
thanksgiving, gratitude and shalom for what you have done for Me on this earth!
I tell you, My dear ones~ You have achieved the leasing of My land in My Holy Land
and the building of My tabernacle for these end-times! Within one week, My loves,
you achieved something that Lucifer/Satan said could NOT BE DONE. You paid in full
for My land within one week! THANK YOU! תודה And now after just one and a half
months, I am completing the tabernacle construction and details of the land with
My servants/friends. I bless each one of you who gave even one penny for this
project, for it is important to Me and My Son Yahushua for these times!
Now to those who fasted and prayed for Me...who gave up everything for Me,
not eating or drinking a thing for three days when My enemy entered into My Holy Land~
Many of you rose up and obeyed Our Spirit to Fast, Pray, War and Repent on My behalf.
(March 31st, 2013)
My Son's sacrifice for you, and My gift to you:
Please watch the Passion of the Christ, beloveds. We will minister to ALL OF YOU!
I, your Abba in Heaven will now be very serious and honest with you, My called
Bride and chosen 144K. We are now looking and examining across the earth to
find who is ready for My Son Yahushua HaMashiach´s return. I say to you: I
still need to do a work in most of you, through you, by Our Spirit and Holy
Fire~ to purge and cleanse you, and ensure that you are without spot and wrinkle
like My Word says you must be.
I invite you, Our Beloved, to another fasting and prayer time of consecration with
Us. I call you on a 40 day fast beginning April 8, 2013. I called a 40 day
fast one year ago, and now I beckon you to join us once again. I ask you to
seek Me about this and I will confirm it to you! I ask you to seek Us
diligently about what type of fast I have ordained for you. Many of you have
been fasting much this past year, especially My 144K and two witnesses. So this
will be custom-designed for you: For some, Daniel fasting; for some, communion
fasting; for those I call to do juicing, drink only juice; and for a remnant,
water fasting will be required. I will tell you which one I want you to do.
Only do WATER ONLY if you have been specifically called to do this type of
fasting. Many of you, however, have been trained to do this!
I ask you to go back to all of My "Last Call" letters starting from March of 2012,
and I will speak to you in the Secret Place about where we are in MY end-time
plan, and how and what I need you to do to prepare yourself for what is to come.
Please, My beloveds, rise up to this Call to Fast and Pray! Yes it is for you, but
also for the earth and all who are lost~ especially family, friends, neighbors and those
in the destruction/ judgment areas who still need to be saved. Many of you still need
a READY GOLDEN VESSEL, a holy tabernacle for Our Spirit to fully manifest and dwell in.
Come out of Babylon, beloveds. Stay separated and consecrated; fast and get your
white linen garments on. Only I can say when Yahushua comes, and in My mercy I
have delayed and delayed and delayed. You decide now, My Bride. I will hear
from you in My heavenlies~ I will see the sacrifice of yourselves for Me.
Oh really? Oh really? Talk to Yahushua! Talk to anyone who has been invited to be
My Son's close friend or who has truly walked with Me. This time in History has
None have ever been so righteous through My Son's blood, yet none have ever been so
wretched through following My enemies! Sodom and Gomorrah were like child's
play compared to the abominations I hear and see now. I am closing out this age
and I want My earth purged, cleansed and ready for My Son Yahushua's reign of
1000 years. Everything is now being set in place by the evil all around, and
everything is also in place for the righteous~ ready for the Bride to be taken to
Our New Jerusalem. But beloved, it is NOT as the theologians, biblical scholars,
Rabbis and Ministers of the Gospel of the Word have taught. It is ONLY what I have
ordained and proclaimed from the foundations of the earth, period! Yahushua has pleaded
and cried out to Me
for more mercy, grace and time, so I extend My hand and He calls you to the Secret
Place. He beckons His Bride to:
"Come to US with all your heart and with fasting with weeping and with
mourning. Rend you hearts and NOT your garments and turn to the Lord your God;
For I am gracious and merciful, slow to anger and of great kindness and
I repenteth of the evil..."
"Blow the trumpet in Zion, Sanctify a Fast, call a Solemn assembly. Gather
the people, sanctify the congregation, assemble the elders, gather the
children and those that suck the breasts. Let the Bridegroom go forth of
His chambers and the Bride of her closet."
I want you to please read and mediate on the Book of Joel, My beloved. There are
so many hidden treasure and revelations I want to share with you. This is the
Book for these days RIGHT NOW!
The choice is altogether up to My beloveds now. To stay My judgment I require a
sacrifice from you. I will not delay but a little longer. Look around you!...
WWIII looming, economies failing across the world, One World Religion bringing
in the son of perdition- My #1 Arch Enemy who I will allow to judge humanity:
all who have NOT chosen to come to the I AM and to the One who was, who is and
who is to come-YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH-who have NOT accepted the gracious free
love Gift of our Ruach HaKodesh!
Thank you again, beloveds, for stepping up to the plate~ for building Me My
Tabernacle and fasting for US NOW! Where I began so long ago I will be again.
And I will build yet another Tabernacle where I will end this all! All is set up.
What do you choose this day-Life or Death?
The invitation is yours! This may be one of the most important ones you have ever
been extended.
Beloved Bride, My Chosen of the Earth~
This is "MY ~LAST~ CALL."
Shalom,I Bless you and Love you~
Your Beloved Abba, Father, YHWH, El Shaddai, God יהוה
Please read and meditate in My Word:
The books of Exodus, Joel, Daniel, Acts and Revelation.
Thank you!
(Received via Email)
Saturday, 30 March 2013
Marriage Supper of The Lamb - Susan Davis
Training In Humility
Daughter I am ready to give you Words. Listen closely as I speak. Now I want to go over new information. I want to talk about training in the way of being humble.
This is the way of the humble. A quiet, still heart are MY humble ones. They walk quietly never looking for position or privilege. They seek ME in all ways. They are ever-seeking their GOD. They do not want to be center-focus. They do not want to seek attention for themselves or recognition.
They only desire to be loved and cared for by ME, their GOD. They trust ME and I care for them. I meet their expectations. I deliver their needs. I bring them all the things they require to live by. I am their ROCK.
I am ever faithful to MY humble servants. I bring them peace and calm in every storm. I am always at their side, ever abiding, always willing to serve them. I Love MY humble servants. They are a beautiful fragrance to ME. I Love them and they love ME. WE are inseparable. I am their AIR. They shine bright as stars. They do not seek the ways of the world. I keep them content. The world holds no sway over them. They seek ME for contentment and I bring them what they desire.
They are never disappointed. Very few walk this path. Very few find it. The ones, who do, find the road to MY Kingdom everlasting.
1 Peter 5:6. Humble yourselves therefore under the Mighty Hand of GOD, that HE may exalt you in due time: My humble servants always listen for MY Voice. They move when I ask them to and they serve when I need them to with a glad heart. They love to serve in MY Kingdom. They are content serving their KING and I bring them joy and peace.
MY Love flows over them. They never lack.
To be humble, you must consider yourself in last place, never needing first place.
It is wisdom to be last not first. The fools seek first place. MY humble servants are wise and know what pleases ME, their GOD. MY children are the humble, the ones the world never notices or sees, hidden away out of the view of the worldly.
They are of no account in this world, but in MY Kingdom, they are the rulers and reigners. They are exalted in MY Heavenly Realm. I honor MY humble ones. They sit with ME on MY Heavenly Throne and enjoy MY Presence. The humble who make themselves last in this life enjoy position in MY Kingdom. They are lifted up and held in esteem for their life of submission on earth. These ones bring ME joy and I give them peace, everlasting peace.
Mark 10:31. But many that are first shall be last; and the last first.
I walk with the humble and make MYSELF known to them. This is MY Gift for their sacrifice. What a sweet smell their love for ME is and I will honor them.
Humble is the way of the Kingdom of GOD. Everyone in MY Kingdom is filled with humility. Pride cannot enter in. It has no place in MY Kingdom, only peaceful submission to ME, GOD. This is MY Kingdom, full of quiet humility where everyone is satisfied with the love and beauty that overflows. There is no one who is dissatisfied with their life in heaven. Only hope and peace abounds. This world overflows with love.
1 John 2:16. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and lust of the eyes, and the pride of life is not of the FATHER, but is of the world.
MARRIAGE SUPPER OF THE LAMB PROJECT: The Marriage Supper of the Lamb book contains Words dictated by our LORD to Susan Davis during a 40-day water fast she was called to do in a secluded location. During this time the LORD dictated several letters about many topics including: humility, forgiveness, trusting in GOD, being prepared for the LORD’s Return, and much more. This book is changing and impacting lives in amazing ways. This book is FOR EVERYONE and it is available as a FREE Ebook that can be easily downloaded and read.
Marriage Supper of the LAMB Website:
Testimonials page:
Free Ebook Download:
In spanish:
Marriage Supper of the Lamb ( Cena De La Boda Del Cordero ): Paperback: Cena-Boda-Del-Cordero-Spanish/ dp/1479309346 Kindle: Cena-Boda-Cordero-Spanish-ebook /dp/B009AFQ42E Smashwords(Free): books/view/235798
Training In Humility
Daughter I am ready to give you Words. Listen closely as I speak. Now I want to go over new information. I want to talk about training in the way of being humble.
This is the way of the humble. A quiet, still heart are MY humble ones. They walk quietly never looking for position or privilege. They seek ME in all ways. They are ever-seeking their GOD. They do not want to be center-focus. They do not want to seek attention for themselves or recognition.
They only desire to be loved and cared for by ME, their GOD. They trust ME and I care for them. I meet their expectations. I deliver their needs. I bring them all the things they require to live by. I am their ROCK.
I am ever faithful to MY humble servants. I bring them peace and calm in every storm. I am always at their side, ever abiding, always willing to serve them. I Love MY humble servants. They are a beautiful fragrance to ME. I Love them and they love ME. WE are inseparable. I am their AIR. They shine bright as stars. They do not seek the ways of the world. I keep them content. The world holds no sway over them. They seek ME for contentment and I bring them what they desire.
They are never disappointed. Very few walk this path. Very few find it. The ones, who do, find the road to MY Kingdom everlasting.
1 Peter 5:6. Humble yourselves therefore under the Mighty Hand of GOD, that HE may exalt you in due time: My humble servants always listen for MY Voice. They move when I ask them to and they serve when I need them to with a glad heart. They love to serve in MY Kingdom. They are content serving their KING and I bring them joy and peace.
MY Love flows over them. They never lack.
To be humble, you must consider yourself in last place, never needing first place.
It is wisdom to be last not first. The fools seek first place. MY humble servants are wise and know what pleases ME, their GOD. MY children are the humble, the ones the world never notices or sees, hidden away out of the view of the worldly.
They are of no account in this world, but in MY Kingdom, they are the rulers and reigners. They are exalted in MY Heavenly Realm. I honor MY humble ones. They sit with ME on MY Heavenly Throne and enjoy MY Presence. The humble who make themselves last in this life enjoy position in MY Kingdom. They are lifted up and held in esteem for their life of submission on earth. These ones bring ME joy and I give them peace, everlasting peace.
Mark 10:31. But many that are first shall be last; and the last first.
I walk with the humble and make MYSELF known to them. This is MY Gift for their sacrifice. What a sweet smell their love for ME is and I will honor them.
Humble is the way of the Kingdom of GOD. Everyone in MY Kingdom is filled with humility. Pride cannot enter in. It has no place in MY Kingdom, only peaceful submission to ME, GOD. This is MY Kingdom, full of quiet humility where everyone is satisfied with the love and beauty that overflows. There is no one who is dissatisfied with their life in heaven. Only hope and peace abounds. This world overflows with love.
1 John 2:16. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and lust of the eyes, and the pride of life is not of the FATHER, but is of the world.
MARRIAGE SUPPER OF THE LAMB PROJECT: The Marriage Supper of the Lamb book contains Words dictated by our LORD to Susan Davis during a 40-day water fast she was called to do in a secluded location. During this time the LORD dictated several letters about many topics including: humility, forgiveness, trusting in GOD, being prepared for the LORD’s Return, and much more. This book is changing and impacting lives in amazing ways. This book is FOR EVERYONE and it is available as a FREE Ebook that can be easily downloaded and read.
Marriage Supper of the LAMB Website:
Testimonials page:
Free Ebook Download:
In spanish:
Marriage Supper of the Lamb ( Cena De La Boda Del Cordero ): Paperback:
Sparrow's Dream: 10
Dream begins...
I was the Manager of a retail store in a wealthy area. The owner gave me a key and entrusted the shop to me. I was to open the store at an appointed time. I was being lured by things that were related to the store's business, but not the exact job duties of the owner. When I tried to walk away from various things I would be lured back same cycle repeating over and over.
Example: One vendor had lured me to a gallery filled with are. they were trying to get me to purchase a series of seven pieces of art for my employer. It was taking too much time, I tried to leave but couldn't. I realized the trap, because several of these paintings I had rejected before were the very same paintings I was seeing before me only hung in a different formation. I said "I have to run" I was very late opening the shop. I was anxious because I had no excuse for the delay. I was deceived. Oh no I thought - I will be fired! I woke up unnerved and bothered by this dream!
Woke up... In a few minutes, I fell back asleep.
Dream continues...
Today, no portal, no gauge - I was sitting on His lap!
I said to Him, "Hayah, this is out of sequence, there was order before!"
HIM: "No it isn't - Did you not understand?" Did you not comprehend through the noise?
Me: (like I was learning how to ride a bike the first time) "Okay so let me understand this, everything we do is turned bad by the wicked?
HIM: "No, let's look again!" "When a seed is planted and it can't get light, can it grow?"
Me: "No"!
Him: "Correct! If you are the lamps or lights and there is darkness like a blanket trying to snuff out your lights so much so that you are blinded, then how can you see!"
Me: "I can't see if a dark blanket is blinding me or a dark blanket is over a lamp in a room - there is no light to see!
HIM: (He nodded - approving) "Correct!"
(I am clearly getting schooled)
Me: "So yesterday at Target the 2 shoplifters - that was a veil of darkness?
HIM: "Of sorts!" "You had the same thing happen every day last week, and even several times per day!" "All of My Bride is experiencing this right now!" "It is the time for confusion by the enemy prior to my coming" (He instantly downloaded everything that kept me from being fruitful - even to my own body)
Me: "So Father, please tell them to stop, (Chuckling but also kind of upset) in Jesus' Name!!
HIM: "This is part of the process of the learning curve, I could remove it but, in one moment of going through it, you learned more than if I were to say it! -You have a fuller understanding and now have the experience to convey this!"
(He could tell I wasn't as happy with this method - I acted like a brat) He smiled and hugged me. I began to cry!
Me: "Why does everything have to be so difficult here!" Is there a demon behind everything? He kissed my forehead and I saw those eyes again. In a moment I saw flashes of painful scenes from the lives of so many people all over the world right now. I turned away. Crying, I said, "I am sorry Father, please forgive me! I speak without knowledge...." He put His finger to my lips to quiet me.
HIM: "They have many resources but they do not have Heaven behind them - although much is rooted in Darkness on this earth consider it's Landlord"
Me: "Lord, You are the Landlord."
HIM: "No, God is the Creator!" "The landlord was granted the land for a time - renting it from God, of sorts!!
Me: "Oh, I get it"
HIM: "There is no real fruit coming from God's land. Like David's son, Solomon said, 'nothing is new under the sun' - everything goes back to the dirt"
Me: "So how can anyone succeed here!"
HIM: "IN lies the problem, define success!"
Me: "I can't I guess!"
HIM: "Does a man not face himself at the end of his days and say what was it for? Did I work for nothing?" "I offer up his mantle, his course, his life."
Then he waved his arm again and lifted the veil: I could see a woman giving birth to a a 30 second progression fast forward time lapsed I saw a man's entire life from birth to the grave. It was actually shocking!
Him: "So it is from my perspective, unfruitful! He gained his life only to lose it. He did not have ME!" "I scan the earth looking for anyone that might look for me, yet, it is I who chose! (He turns back to taking the voice of the Father) "My children, whom I have chosen from the beginning, have marks, they are beacons!" "In Egypt, Did the Angel of the Lord tell every Israelite to mark their doors with the lamb's blood, so the angel of death would pass over them? Today, after the cross, each who have accepted my Son - is covered in the Lamb's Blood - Jesus's Blood, (pause) "Marked!" "Now some are more fruitful than others!"
Again His arm waved and the veil lifted: I saw a preacher bringing thousands to the Lord and then I saw one single Christian bringing a neighbor a cup of coffee and a prayer.
HIM: "In this world, earthly perspective, you only see from your limited view." "What do you see!"
Me: "I see someone I wish I was...the Preacher saving 1000's."
HIM: "I see acts of Love!" "I am proud of both - Both have equal weight!" "The coffee and prayer to the neighbor was a seed planted, know that my angels go out and bring forth the Harvest, - the prayers sow the seed! Now, is it not my job to bring in the Harvest?" "If I Created the Blacksmith and the Landlord, did I not also Create the Preacher and the kind Neighbor?" (He saw that I was a bit confused - I had always focused on works as if they were created by the individual not by the Lord) "Further, I determine the life of the seed!"
Me: "So my doing something small and insignificant out here in the desert is just as meaningful to you as a Preacher in India bringing in a thousand new souls for the Kingdom?"
HIM: "YES, But you are not seeing it through my eyes!" "As a parent, how would you feel if we were talking about one of your sons, is the preacher and one is the neighbor?"
Me: "I would be proud of both but, I would boast about the one winning the most souls!!"
HIM: He laughed again, "You are seeing what humans see!"
Then I realized because his love is far beyond mine, He looks at each as fruitful equally. Here I always compared myself to Super Christians and thought of them as greater than me. I understand now that He doesn't see things like this.
HIM: "Erin, I see the Heart - I am after the Heart!! "Now, Back to the Veil of darkness, because we are marked, darkness hates light. The wolves go out to devour the young and the old sheep on the outskirts of the fold -- or the stragglers. The wolves run in packs, with formation they plot. One will distract the herder first to try to make the entire fold vulnerable. When that doesn't work, then they pick off the weakest one by one!"
HIM: "So it is today - The wicked have hierarchies, soldiers, captains, and commanders, and a chief - there are branches. Now, the battle has begun the war is raging! Evil is unleashed against the righteous, so many have no armor. It is the final push for the wolves to devour what they can." "The angels have come after them. They reinforce my Heavenly force that is here amongst you guarding you in your daily walks. -- So to put it in your terms -- The Special Forces were just deployed into the war! These were spoken about and foretold!"
Me: "Oh so the 1/3 of the army were special OPS?
HIM: Yes, It is the final sweep - Love is coming down!
Me: "Hayah, You are Love!"
HIM: "Yes, Heaven is coming down - Suddenly the Lord's Prayer downloaded into my head,
Me: "You’re Kingdom Come!" He was pleased that I finally got it! I hugged Him.
HIM: I love you! "Soon I will come for you!" "Please Continue to Pray! Love one Another, forgive, do not cease doing good, even up to the end, don't surrender to the flesh! All have sinned and fallen short! Do things because My Father in Heaven can see it! Display for Him Not for man to see! He sees goodness in Secret and is pleased! Pray, Praise, and Bless!! Put on your whole Armor so you may stop the wicked! There is nothing you can Do! Wait and Pray so that light covers your house and darkness can't cover the light! Angels of Heaven will protect you! Use Discernment! Ask me if the distractions you face daily are divine delays or wicked schemes!" "Further, you cannot be stolen from me! Remain in me, remain in my word! Just ask in my name and you will receive! Blessed is the man who accepts my Gifts!"
He hugged me!
Me: "I love You so much!"
HIM: Smiling, "I love you more!!" We both laughed.
The angel escorted me to the portal. As I was going down, the Angel spoke again, "Words that Bring Comfort Psalm 91 and Psalm 23 and Haggai Has Prophecy!"
I woke up to the Dog Barking! I was running hot - I thought I had a fever - It is been like this all week - checked several times nothing, no temperature.
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